Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 37
Susan "Kelly" Riley United Airlines Flight Attendant Collection
Karen (Jones) Sandaas United Airlines Flight Attendant Collection
Ken Schultz Commercial Airlines Collection
The Ken Schultz Commercial Airlines Collection consists of printed ephemera from Eastern Air Lines, Horizon Air, United Airlines, Pan Am, Era Aviation, and Heli L.A. Items are dated circa 1980s and include system timetables, decals, stationery, brochures, postcards, tickets, and city timetables for Anchorage, Kansas City, and Seattle/Tacoma. Also present is an employee handbook from Continental Airlines, dated 1988.
Judy Evans Sowell United Airlines Flight Attendant Collection
Patricia Steele-Emerson United Airlines Flight Attendant Collection
James Sterling Commercial Airlines Collection
Steve A. Stimpson Photograph Album
Steve A. Stimpson was a manager for Boeing Air Transport in the 1920s-1930s. The collection contains one hundred and fifty-two (152) black-and-white photographs in an unbound photograph album documenting early United Airlines history.
Sutherland Family World War II Collection
United Air Lines Hawaiian Mainliner Passenger List
The United Air Lines Hawaiian Mainliner Passenger List is a small collection consisting of a single item: a passenger list for United Air Lines' inaugural flight of the Hawaiian Mainliner Stratocruiser dated January 15, 1950. There are 54 passengers listed as well as the Cpatain R.L. Wagner, Stewardesses Phyllis Chase and Hazle Spencer and Steward CLement Keliikipi.
United Airlines Air Atlas (1961)
The collection consists a United Air Lines "Air Atlas," June 1961 edition, that featured the airline's service routes over a map of the United States. Atlas also includes facts about the formation of the landscape that passengers may see from the aircraft.