Biographical Information Files - G
Scope and Contents
Individuals whose names begin with G:
[Fighter pilot]
"A Nation's Loss," Flight Journal, June 2002
"Francis Gabreski, 83; Pilot Was War Hero," Los Angeles Times, February 4, 2002
Caption for painting
Biograpical sketch from the Department of the Air Force, undated
Book plate, circa 1998, signed by Gabreski, Hub Zemke, and Jerry Johnson, likely from a Museum of Flight presentation on the publishing of “Gabby: A Fighter Pilot’s Life”
[Russian cosmonaut]
"The Gagarin Inquest," Air & Space, December 1988/January 1989
"Twenty Myths About Gagarin's Spaceflight," IEEE Spectrum, April 2011
Postcard picturing Yuri Gagarin, signed; from Seattle World's Fair, 1962 [accession #2024-04-12]
[German pilot]
Folder 1:
"Adolf Galland, Top Aviator For the Nazis, Is Dead at 83," New York Times, undated
"Galland of the Luftwaffe," Air Force Magazine, October 1985
Folder 2:
Framed and signed photograph of Galland
[Barnstormer, Northwest aviation pioneer]
Folder 1:
"Family Had to Wait 27 Years to Confirm Dad's Death," Seattle Times, August 20, 1989
"Boeing Field Aviator is the Last of the Airborne Mohicans," Seattle Times, July 27, 1989
"A Dip of the Wing to Pioneer in Small-Plane Business," Seattle Times, September 8, 1991
"James B. Galvin, 87, Barnstormer, Pioneer in Northwest Aviation," Seattle Times, September 3, 1991
Pathfinder Awards program, 2000
Folder 2:
Photograph of Galvin and woman standing next to a Galvin Flying Service aircraft
[Pilot, novelist]
Folder 1:
Mechanical drawing of 35 ft. cruiser
Gann, Ernest K., "The Magnificent Apollos," Flying, September 1970
"Gentleman of Adventure," Flying, December 1992
Folder 2:
The Antiquer, 1965
Gann, Ernest K., "The Ghost Squadron," True, March 1971
Gann, Ernest K., "On the Beak of an Ancient Pelican," Flying, March 1968
Invitation to recognition night for Gann, 1990
"After 18 Best-Sellers, the High and Mighty Ernest Gann Soars again with 'The Aviator,'" no source, 1981
"Ernest Gann," Journal American, June 13, 1980
Gann, Ernest K., "My Island in the Sky," Flying, April 1969
Book review of Gann's Flying Circus, Flying, December 1974
"Citizen Gann," Pacific Northwest, March 1982
Miscellaneous correspondence
Nomination for Achievement Award, undated
"Ernest K. Gann," Air West, undated
"Ernest K. Gann: Gutsy San Juan Son-of-a-Gun Paints it Like it Is," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 1, 1991
"The Factual Fiction of Ernest Gann," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 23, 1973
"Ernest Gann Prepares for his Biggest Adventure," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 12, 1986
"Ernest Gann: Still Itching for Adventure," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 21, 1980
Obituaries, 1991
Folder 3:
Four (4) small photographs of Gann in aircraft
Color photograph of Gann and woman by boat
Negative of photograph for Pathfinder Award
8-1/2x11" black-and-white photographs of Gann:
--In cockpit of airplane named "Ernest K. Gann"
--Two (2) photographs of Gann with other people
--Autographed photograph in cockpit
--Photographs in studio
--Gann in front of biplane
--Close-up of Gann
[Aviation historian]
"A Tribute to Harry Gann," Airliners, March 2001
"Harry Gann: A Man Who Has Flown With Angels," Long Beach Business Journal, November 29, 1988
[Boeing test pilot]
Obituary, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 21, 2006
[Airplane wing designer]
Obituary, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 28, 1993
[Aviation historian]
"Aviation Historian Paul Garber: Sixty Years with the Smithsonian," Air Force Magazine, June 1980
Obituary, Smithsonian Institution News, September 23, 1992
oversize Box 1, Folder 27:
Two posters of a sketch of Paul Garber surrounded by aviation and space images, both with Garber’s original signatures, August 14, 1987.
Poster of the poem “They Have Not Wholly Died” written by Paul Garver with an original signature, undated.
[Military aviator and commercial pilot]
"Pioneer Military Aviator Dies," no source, undated
[Washington governor]
Black-and-white photograph of Gardner and others
[Pilot and air traffic reporter]
"Ted Garlatz, Eye in the Sky," Seattle Times, November 28, 1976
"Target Tokyo; Part II: Melmoth in the Crucible," Flying, January 1977
[French pilot]
"Pioneer Air Fighter," Aviation Heritage, May 1991
Photograph of Garros in cockpit (photocopy from a book)
[Pilot, aviatrix]
"People: A Champion, of Course," Air Progress, January 1975
[Northrop Corporation engineer]
Black-and-white photograph of Gasich standing by an F5
Black-and-white photograph of Gasich holding model of F-5B
[Aircraft manufacturing employee]
"Recollections of Helio Aircraft Company..., 1951-58," by Ralph Gaston (typescript)
"In the Shadow of Eagles," no source, undated
"Could They Get Away With Murder?," no source, undated
[Microsoft chairman]
"Gates Has Vision of Home Museum," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 23, 1994
[Aviation pioneer]
Note regarding source for additional information
[French pilot]
Black-and-white photograph
"Louie Gebenini, Aviator and Civic Activist," Seattle Times, October 20, 1989
[Pioneer in Army aviation and ballooning]
Brief biographical note, no source, undated
[American fighter ace]
Biographical sketch from Department of the Air Force, 1948
Oversize Box 1, Folder 7:
Black-and-white photograph of Don Gentile receiving an award, circa mid-1940s
Five photos
DVD with Gerrick’s photo in the case. DVD titled “Pima Museum”
Memorial card handed out at funeral service July 11, 2008
[Mercenary pilot for Chennault]
Photocopy of 17-page biography “Memoirs of Pilot Elwyn H. Gibbon, The Mad Irishman” written by Edward L. Leiser and published in the journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Spring, 1978.
[U.S. Air Force and United Airlines pilot]
Biographical sketches
[Museum curator]
"Noted Wright Authority to be Keynote Speaker," Sport Aviation, September 1978
[Bush pilot]
"NW Pilot, 64, Keeps Whistling," Oregonian, January 25, 1982 (includes photograph)
[U.S. Air Force general]
Two (2) black-and-white photographs of General Giles at Washington National Airport Army Air Base, 1944
[Alaska bush pilot]
"Harold 'Thrill 'em, Chill 'em, Spill 'em' Gillam," Northwest Living, undated
[Department of Defense Deputy Secretary]
"Remarks by ... Gilpatric at the Aerospace Industries Association Conference...," June 8, 1961 (Department of Defense news release)
[Boeing employee]
Autobiographical sketch, 1982
Information regarding Project Awake! and Greater America, Inc.
Letters of recommedation for Givens and letters regarding Project Awake
[Vice President, Arthur D. Little, Inc.]
"The Solar Power Satellite--Progress So Far," Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1982
"The Solar Power Satellite--A Goal for The Economic Development of Space," 1984 (conference paper)
"Evolution of the Solar Power Satellite Concept," Space Solar Power Review, 1983
[U.S. astronaut]
Folder 1:
Newspaper articles regarding Glenn's return to space in Space Shuttle Discovery, 1998
Biographical sketch of U.S. Senator Glenn
Biographical sketches
Folder 2:
"Astronaut John H. Glenn Orbits the Earth for America, February 20, 1962" (2 copies)
Newspaper articles about Glenn, 1983-1994
Program from a guest lecture by Glenn, 1983
"A Special SPEEA Perspective on the John Glenn Dinner," SPEEA Spotlite, September 1983
Bumper sticker Glenn for President 1984
Letter from Glenn to Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mecham, 1983
"You're the Pride of the Human Race," March song by Mary Jane Mecham, 1983 (sheet music)
"Glenn Tells Congress of MA-6 Significance," Aviation Week, March 5, 1962
Obituaries, December 2016
Email exchange and photocopies of Glenn's logbook regarding two flights he took in the Museum's Vought XF8U-1 Crusader on May 4, 1956
Folder 3:
Glenn and others at an event (negative and color photograph)
Black-and-white photograph of Glenn in F-8, 1957
[Aviation historian]
Obituary, BEAM, March 2016
[Inventor of aerial and space photography systems]
"'Zoom' Lens Gives Close-Up at Great Height," Popular Mechanics, 1932 (?)
Biographical sketch
[Rocketry pioneer]
Folder 1:
"Robert H. Goddard, Father of the Space Age," Sunday Telegram, October 3, 1982
"This High Man: The Life of Robert H. Goddard," 1945 (pamphlet)
Portfolio No. 1 of Goddard photographs, National Aerospace Education Council
Folder 2:
"Robert H. Goddard: American Rocket Pioneer," Goddard Space Flight Center, 1968 (pamphlet)
"Suggestions for Commemorating Goddard Day," 1967 (pamphlet)
"Historical Origins of the Goddard Space Flight Center," 1968 (pamphlet)
"Apollo 8 Flight 'Just Marvelous,'" no source, December 27, 1968
"A Trail to Space," The Bee-Hive, Spring, 1958
[Pilot, entertainer]
Cover photograph of Godfrey, Aviation Yearbook, 1950
"This Is My Story," Saturday Evening Post, 1955 (reprint)
(Canadian ace pilot]
Caption for painting
Biographical sketch
[Pilot, movie stunt flyer]
Folder 1:
"Plane Brings the East and West Closer," New York Times, undated
Newspaper advertisement for "A Flame in the Sky" (cast includes Goebel)
"In Garden's Air Picture," Seattle Star, May 11, 1928
Folder 2:
Photographs from Hatfield Endurance Air Races (photocopies)
Autographed black-and-white photograph of Hatfield, 1939
[U.S. B-29 pilot]
"53 Years Later, Veteran Is Returning to Japan," Seattle Times, August 25, 1997
[U.S. Air Force pilot, U.S. Senator]
"Diary of a 'First' Flight in Aviation History," AAHS Journal, Fall 1968
"The Senator and the Reporter," Flying, September 1967
"Pilot Barry Goldwater," AOPA Pilot, October 1964
[Secretary to Reuben Fleet]
"The Crash That Created Canada's Fleet Trainers," Air Museum News, volume 3, #11
Related newspaper articles
Golem's diary, 1929 (photocopy)
[Test pilot]
"'Slick' Goodlin, Bell XS-1 Test Pilot, Guest Speaker at May 21 Induction Dinner," Aviation Hall of Fame of New Jersey newsletter, Spring 1997
[U.S. astronaut]
Folder 1:
NASA biographical information, 1966
“Honor Banquet for Astronaut Richard Gordon.” November 17, 1962 program
Folder 2:
NASA color photograph of Gemini VIII crews
Five color photographs of Gordon and others at the Museum of Flight
NASA color photograph signed “To Doris – Richard Gordon Apollo XII”
[U.S. Air Force pilot]
"Carpets of Clover," Laconia, NH Citizen, June 23, 2000
Order card for Carpets of Clover, An Air Force Pilot's Story
"Love, with Wings," Monitor, undated
[Pilot and airline owner]
Folder 1:
Photocopied pages from a book, possibly Vern C. Gorst, Pioneer and Grandad of United Air Lines
Award nomination, 1990
Biographical sketch
"A Pioneer in the Short Air Haul," Western Flying, April 1930
Numerous articles on Gorst from newspapers and magazines
Notes about Gorst
Photocopy of photograph of Gorst and family, May 1913
Folder 2:
Transparency sheets and photocopies of photographs and text
"73-Year-Old Pilot Still Into Flying," Renton Record Chronicle, September 27, 1982
[Japanese pilot]
"Death in The Uintas; Japanese Flier's Dream Shattered in Mountains," The Salt Lake Tribune, October 31, 1993
[U.S. Army Air Corps pilot]
Clipping, "Donald G. Graham." History of King County, p. 324-325. 1929
Clipping, "Pondering the Gravity of the Situation," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 8, 1990
[Pilot on television show]
Black-and-white publicity photograph
[Aircraft designers]
Folder 1:
"Stage Set for Air Races," no source, undated
"Shopping Center Lands on Former Air Field," Springfield Sunday Republican, January 14, 1973
"Aeronautics: Gee-Bee," Time, February 20, 1933
"The Greatest Thrill in Flying" (includes specifications on Gee Bee Sportster) (brochure)
Folder 2:
Photographs at 1933 races
Photograph of Gee Bee Y Senior Sportster X11049
[Boeing Company engineer]
Obituary, May 30, 2014
[German aircraft designer]
Folder 1:
German-language clipping, "Die Grawert-Gleitpropeller-Flugmaschine"
Photocopies of photographs of aircraft and ships with captions in German
"To Fly Over Broadway in Aeronautomobile," New York Herald, July 3, 1907
Articles in German, 1909
Letter from Irma Bratke (daughter of Grawert) to Victor Seely, January 30, 1987 (includes list of documents and photographs)
Photocopy of patent in German
Folder 2:
Five photographs of Grawert-Dreikammermotor
Photographs of Grawert
Photographs of craft designed by Grawert
Photograph of article from Berliner Stadtblatt, November 1930
Photograph of "To Fly Over Broadway in Aeronautomobile," New York Herald, July 3, 1907
[Parachute jumper]
"Girl To Test Nylon 'Chute at Brainard," Hartford Daily Courant, June 3, 1942
[Royal Air Force pilot]
Folder 1:
RAF Record of Service, 1955 (photocopy)
Royal Aero Club Gliding Certificate, 1956
Folder 2:
Strip of photographs of aircraft
One sheet with numerous photographs of aircraft and people
[Chairman, United Technologies]
Black-and-white photograph of Gray
[Boeing employee, 1918]
Letter dated January 18, 1980, from Marcia Gray Doty to a Mr. Little. The addressee is unidentified. Letter is a brief biography of John Gray with a second page of highlights from his diary covering his employment at Boeing from April 24, 1918, through July 8, 1918, when he was laid off due to lack of work.
[Aviation pioneer]
Folder 1:
"Dan Grecco, Aviation Pioneer, Still Active," Western Flyer, November 1972
"Pioneer Portland Aviator Now in 'Hall of Fame,'" no source, undated
Funeral program
"Aviation Pioneer D. Grecco Dies," Columbian, October 14, 1983
Folder 2:
Two (2) photographs of Grecco wing walking, 1922, 1925 (autographed)
[Record-breaking pilot]
Pennzoil advertisement with photograph of Greenamyer and paragraph about him, Flying, January 1970
[Pilot and missionary, aviatrix]
Biographical sketch as nomination for Pathfinder Award
"Betty Greene, 76; Pioneer Aviatrix, Missionary and a Lady to her Core," Seattle Times, April 16, 1997
[Architectural firm]
Folder 1: Brochure regarding Stuttgart airport
Folder 2: Four color photographs of architect with drawings and construction of airport
[U.S. Air Force pilot, engineer, and scientist]
Caption for painting
Biographical sketch, undated
[British airman and journalist]
Article about Grey, Time, July 31, 1939
"Flights & Flyers," Time, July 18, 1932
"Two Fliers Who Set a Speed Record Across the Atlantic," Mid-Week Pictorial, July 16, 1932
"Flyers Cross Ocean on World Flight," Des Moines Tribune, July 6, 1932
[U.S. astronaut]
NASA biographical data sheet, undated
Photograph (photocopy)
[Russian pilot, aviatrix]
Photograph of "Hero of Soviet Union who commanded special women aviation regiment in WWII" (photocopy)
[Russian pilot]
"Soviet Polar Flight Pilot Gromov Dies," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 25, 1985
Biographical sketch
"Charles Gross, 74, Flew All Kinds of Planes, Owned Gross Aviation," Seattle Times, December 18, 1995
[Ultralite aircraft designer]
"Hey Dad! Come With Me in My Flying Machine!," West Seattle High School newspaper, June 4, 1982
[Royal Air Force chief technician and pilot]
Royal Air Force Certificate of Service, 1957 (photocopy)
Statement of Service, 1957 (photocopy)
Certificate of appointment as officer in Royal Canadian Air Force, 1961 (photocopy)
[Tuskegee airman]
"World War II Aviator Broke Color Barrier," Seattle Times, May 22, 2008
[Aviation pioneer, founder of Grumman Aicraft]
"Raising Grumman; How Leroy Grumman and Jake Swirbul Built a High-Flying Company from the Ground Up,", October 1, 2007
"Leroy Grumman; One of the Last American Aviation Pioners Has Died," Air Classics, undated
Numerous obituaries and biographical sketches
[Pilot, member of the Early Birds]
"George D. Grundy Jr., 99, Last of Pioneers in Aviation," New York Times, May 22, 1998
[Pioneer of modern aviation development, philanthropist]
"If You Had Millions to Spend," Popular Science Monthly, February 1929
"Harry Frank Guggenheim, 1890-1971," no source, undated
Caption for painting
Biographical sketch
[Chinese-American pioneer aviator]
Biographical sketch
Articles about first American aviator of Chinese ancestry to be licensed in the United States (1912)
Obituary, 1925
Letter from Richard Tom to Museum of Flight, 1990
[Stunt and commercial pilot]
"Lindy's Ex-Partner Recalls Exciting Flying-Circus Days," Seattle Times, April 24, 1957
[Boeing Company foreman and volunteer at the Museum of Flight]
Folder 1:
Memorial program, 1993
"Fishing Trip to Alaska Delayed by 40-Year Stopover at Boeing," Boeing News, April 3, 1969
"A Wing for the Flight Museum," West Seattle News-Herald, December 5, 1990
Handwritten letter to Museum of Flight, 1986
Christmas card
Folder 2:
Articles from various newspapers about Gustafson and construction or restoration of aircraft
Boeing News, February 26, 1993
Manager, July-August 1992
Three brochures about aircraft, the Museum of Flight
Folder 3:
Museum of Flight News, November/December 1992
Boeing News, June 5, 1992
Brochure: Flight to Nowhere (Concorde), 1984
Article about Clairmont Egtvedt, no source, undated
Photograph of Boeing personnel, 1931 (photocopy)
Cards about F-16
Pamphlet: "Dangerous Adventure!; Lindbergh's Famous Flight," 1977
Articles about Spruce Goose move and SR-71
Folder 4:
Drawing of wing section (unidentified aircraft)
"Carl Gustafson: Volunteers' Volunteer," Museum of Flight News, July/August 1986
Folder 5:
Boeing News, February 1939
Yesterflight, Spring 1976
Pamphlet about the Boeing Airplane Co., 1928 (?)
Map of Europe
Fund-raising brochure about construction of the Museum of Flight
Card regarding Boing 737-500
Gustafson correspondence
"The Boeing 314 Clipper:The Flying Hotel That Went to War"
"The Early Years," no source, undated
Newspaper articles about the Boeing 777, MD-12, and 747
Folder 6:
"The Tradition Continues" (Boeing booklet, 1986)
"L.A. to Tokyo in Two Hours," Newsweek, December 16, 1985
"Boeing Parade of Progress," 1970? (chart)
"Boeing Company Corporate Organization," undated
Folder 7:
Boeing News, November 1937
Museum of Flight News, May/June 1992
Folder 8:
Color postcard of Boeing Model B-1
Two (2) photographs of airplane construction
Sepia-toned photograph of Boeing P-12
Photograph: aerial view of Boeing Company Plant #1, 1966
Photograph of Boeing F2B-1 and Boeing Comet, January 28, 1928
Lithographs of Boeing F3B-1, Boeing Model 40A, first flight of Boeing 747, and Boeing 777
Postcard of Boeing Plant 2 with war-time camoflage, 1945
Folder 9:
Photograph of Boeing Plant 2 with war-time camoflage, 1945 (?)
Color photograph of B-17, 1985
Photograph of Douglas Corrigan (autographed)
Photograph of Boeing B&W replica, 1966
Color photograph of Concorde
Lithograph with fabric of Boeing Model 80A
Photograph of Patti's dad at 68
Photographs of Gustafson, 1990
Color negatives in sleeves
[French ace pilot]
"Georges Guynemer, The Winged Sword of France," The Mentor, November 1, 1918
Five (5) accompanying cards with photographs and text
- Creation: 20th Century
Conditiona Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 36 Cubic Feet (Three four-drawer lateral file cabinets)
- Gabreski, Francis S., 1919-2002 (Person)
- Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich, 1934-1968 (Person)
- Galland, Adolf, 1912-1996 (Person)
- Gann, Harry (Person)
- Garber, Paul Edward, 1899-1992 (Person)
- Gauthier, G. (Person)
- Gentile, Dominic Salvatore, 1920-1951 (Person)
- Gibbon, Elwyn Herbert, 1911-1942 (Person)
- Gibbons, Ralph (Person)
- Glenn, John, 1921-2016 (Person)
- Goddard, Robert Hutchings, 1882-1945 (Person)
- Goebel, Arthur Cornelius, 1895-1973 (Person)
- Gordon, Richard F., Jr. (Person)
- Gorst, Vern C., 1876-1953 (Person)
- Gray, John C. (Person)
- Grecco, Danny D. (Person)
- Gromov, M. (Mikhail), 1899-1985 (Person)
- Guggenheim, Harry Frank, 1890-1971 (Person)
- Gurney, Bud (Person)
- Guynemer, Georges, 1894-1917 (Person)
- Gregov, Ivo, 1934- (Person)
- Gregov, Lidija, 1936- (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the The Museum of Flight Archives Repository
9404 East Marginal Way South
Seattle Washington 98108-4097