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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Biographical Information Files - S

Individuals whose names begin with S:
Sachs, Donald G. [Aeronautical engineer, B-17 pilot]

Brief resume

Obituaries, 1998
Saint Exupery, Antoine de [Pilot, author]

"The Spirit of Saint-Exupery," no source, undated

"Wind, Sand and Wars," Air & Space, December 1994/January 1995
Sakai, Saburo [WWII Japanese fighter pilot]

"Ex-Ace Puts 'War' in Business," The Oregonian, January 7, 1982
Salisbury, Vern [U.S. Marine pilot in WWII]

"Obituary for Vernon H. Salisbury; 'A High-Speed Marine Flies West'" (typescript)

"World War II Pilot, Hydrofoil Test Driver Vernon Salisbury," Seattle Times, March 31, 1996

Photocopy of photograph of Salisbury
Salmon, Herman R. [Lockheed test pilot]

Photograph of Salmon inspecting new Convair XFY 1, 1954
Sanders, Frank [Aerobatic pilot]

"T-33 Crash Claims Life of Frank Sanders," Western Flyer, June 1990
Sanger, Eugen Albert [Pioneer spacecraft engineer]

"The High-Flying Legacy of Eugen Sanger," Air & Space, August/September 1987
Santos-Dumont, Alberto [Pioneer aviator]

"A Builder of Successful Air-Ships," The World's Work: A History of Our Time, VIII, May 1904

Biographical sketch

Photocopy of photograph, 1906

"'It's Dashing Alberto, the Brilliant Brazilian!'," Air Trails, undated

"The Demoiselle," Model Airplane News, May 1967

"The Little Man from Brazil," Flying, June 1959

"Brazilian Personality - Alberto Santos-Dumont." Typed biographical sketch, Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation, undated

Brief article about Santos-Dumont, no source, undated (in French)

"Awakening in France," Contact! The Story of the Early Birds, Smithsonian Institution Press, pages 35-37

"Brazilian Arouses Enthusiasm of the French Nation-1901," no source, undated

Photocopy of photograph of Santos-Dumony from My Airships by Santos-Dumont, 1904

Miscellaneous pages from American Heritage History of Flight, undated

"The 1906 Santos-Dumont No. 14bis Biplane," by Carroll F. Gray

Fact sheets, trivia, and project sheet about Santos-Dumont from The Smithsonian Latino Center and Air and Space Museum (in Spanish and English)

Programs in English and Spanish from October 21, 2006, presentation given by the Smithsonian about Santos-Dumont

Photocopy of February 6, 2006, proposal celebrating the 100th anniversary of Santos-Dumont first flight written by Dan Hagedorn, Curator Emeritus of The Museum of Flight.

Copies of biographical information used in the Smithsonian presentation.
Sarabia, Francisco [Racing pilot]

"'I Shiver,'" Time magazine, June 19, 1939
Sasseen, Murrell W. [Alaska bush pilot]

"Vintage Plane -- Vintage Pilot," Seattle Times, March 7, 1971
Saunders, Hugh W. L. [British WWI ace pilot]

"Saunders of 84 Squadron; The Story of a World War One Ace," Air Classics, undated
Sauvage, Norman D. [U.S. Air Force pilot and aerospace artist]

Folder 1:

Letters to Sauvage regarding his artwork, 1963, 1965

Official Air Force comments regarding Sauvage's program, "Flight," 1972

Articles about Sauvage and his artwork and his multi-media program, 1965-1970

Folder 2:

Photograph of Sauvage with General Curtis LeMay and others
Saylor, Edward, Lt. Col. [U.S. Air Force WWII pilot]

"1 of Last 4 Doolittle Raiders Dies -- Helped Bomb Tokyo in 1942," Seattle Times, January 29, 2015
Schaefer, J. E. [Pioneer Stearman and Boeing executive]

"31 Years at Wichita," no source, 1959(?)
Schairer, George Swift [Aeronautical engineer, The Boeing Company]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch

"Why Pod Mounted Engines Make Sense," by Schairer. Paper presented at the SAE National Aeronautic Meeting, 1953

"The Role of Competition in Aeronautics," by Schairer. The Wilbur and Orville Wright Memorial Lecture, Royal Aeronautical Society, 1968

"Wing Design Discovery Shaped Boeing's History," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 31, 2004

Photocopies of photographs of Schairer

Folder 2:

10 photographs taken by Schairer in Europe, May 1945

Folder 3:

18 photographs taken by Schairer in Europe, May 1945
Schalk, Louis W., Jr. [First pilot of Lockheed A-12]

Obituary, Aviation Week & Space Technology, August 26, 2002
Schirra, Walter M. [U.S. astronaut]

Biographical sketches and other biographical data sheets

"Where Are They Now? Wally Schirra," The Hook, Summer 1993

"Two Generations of Airborne Schirras: 'Flying Jennys' to Next Orbit," unidentified publication, undated

NASA publicity photograph
Schmidt, Otto [Boeing Company hammer shop foreman]

Folder 1:

Letter from William Allen to Schmidt. Commemorates his thirty years of service, 1954

"Schmitt, Rouzie, Hohlbein Honored for Years of Service, Boeing News, February 17, 1949

"707 Plays Host for 'Oldtimers' Flight," Boeing News, August 20, 1959

Brief newspaper articles and photographs


Folder 2:

Black-and-white group photograph in front of Plant 1

Black-and-white photographs of shop operations, staff gatherings (some people are identified), awards ceremonies, 1929-1964

Three color photographs of employee groups in front of Red Barn
Schmued, Edgar [Aeronautical engineer]

"Edgar Schmued; Designer of P-51 Fighter," unidentified publication, circa 1985
Scholl, Art [Stunt pilot]

"Coast Guard Ends Search for Famed Stunt Flier Art Scholl," Seattle Times, September 18, 1985
Schroeder, Rudolph William [Pilot, aviation engineer and executive]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch

Text of a letter from Schroeder to Chester Bohn in email to Dan Hagedorn, May 22, 2014

Photocopy of a letter from Schroeder to Bohn, October 18, 1919

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photographs standing by airplane
Schultz, R. Tony [Alaska Airlines Chief Bush Pilot]

Handwritten note from Schultz regarding Lindbergh's mechanic, Oscar Bredlie, December 20, 1990

"A 1951 Mail Flight." Typed reminiscence
Schweickart, Russell Louis "Rusty" [U.S. astronaut]

Clipping, "The Hundred-Mile-High Club," Air & Space, April/May 1988
Scobee, Francis R. "Dick" [U.S. astronaut]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch and data

"Questions for Dick Scobee Parents" (includes their responses)

Articles from Seattle newspapers regarding Scobee, 1976-1986

Photocopy of NASA crew photo

Text of eulogy for Scobee by Norman Thagard, May 19, 1986

Letter from June Scobee to Museum of Flight regarding dedication of Challenger Center, October 23, 1986

Folder 2:

Color photographs from NASA
Scott, Blanche Stuart [Pioneer pilot, aviatrix]

Biographical sketches

Curtiss Museum press release, undated

"Blanche Stuart Scott," Women Aloft

"On the Road, In the Air," The 99 News, April 1981

"Blanche Scott--Early Aviatrix," Popular Aviation, November 1932

Photocopies of photographs of Scott
Scott, Clayton Allen [U.S. Air Force pilot]

Obituaries, August 18, 1992
Scott, Clayton L., "Scotty" [Boeing test pilot, personal pilot for William Boeing, Sr.]

Folder 1:

Numerous newspaper articles about Scott, 1961-2005

Folder 2:

Program for Scott's 100th birthday celebration, July 15, 2005

"Clayton Scott Elected to OX-5 Hall of Fame 1975" (typed biographical sketch)

Newspaper articles and photographs, 1976-1992

"A Test Pilot Retires," BMA Manager, June 1976

Pathfinder Award 1985 (booklet)

Biography of Scott "in progress" compiled by Richard W. Taylor, 2000

"Clayton Scott, Who Made Aviation History in Alaska, Dies at 101," Anchorage Daily News, October 5, 2006

"Seaplane Pioneer Passes," Water Flying, November/December 2006

Photocopies of photographs

Folder 3:

Newspaper articles, 1929, 1997

Folder 4:

Color photographs of "Brown Bag" lecture, 1987
Scott, Denham S. [Assistant to President, Garrett Corporation]

Photocopy of article “The King-Size Headache” appearing in Graphic Science magazine, April 1963

Photocopies of three articles appearing in Southern California Industrial News: “The Philadelphia Story” from August 31, 1964, “Let There Be Peace” from February 6, 1967, and “Doves and Ostriches” from February 27, 1967.
Scott, Dorothy F. [Women Airforce Service Pilot, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"The WAFS: A Squadron of 25 Girls Is Leading the Way for U.S. Women Fliers," Look magazine, February 9, 1943

Letter that discusses the Women Airforce Service Pilots information and reunion, 1993

"Dorothy Scott More Than Just Name of a Local Airport," [Oroville, WA newspaper?], June 10, 1993

"Her Brother Remembers Dorothy Scott," [Oroville, WA newspaper?], June 10, 1993

"Mid-Air Plane Collision Kills Southwest Woman Ferry Pilot," unidentified publication, circa December 1943

Folder 2:

Photograph of memorial plaque listing names of Women Airforce Service Pilots

Black-and-white photograph of Scott and two male pilots from 5th Ferrying Group, Dallas, Texas, undated

War Department, Ferrying Division, Air Transport Command identification card with photograph, issued in 1942
Scott, Phil [Pilot]

"So You Want To Set a Record...," by Phil Scott, Air & Space, February/March 1996
Scott, Robert Lee [World War II Air Force pilot, author]

Folder 1:

Press release from Bantam Books about Scott's book The Day I Owned the Sky, 1988

Poster that includes a warning for thieves and burglars signed by General Scott

"Robert Lee Scott, Jr., Brigadier General, USAF (Retired)," OX5 News, December 1991

Folder 2:

Photograph of Scott in cockpit of fighter plane

Three photographs of Scott in cockpits of other airplanes

Publicity photograph for book
Scott, Sheila [Record-setting pilot, aviatrix]

Two newspaper articles, unidentified publication, undated

"They Laughed When I Said 'I Am Going to Learn to Fly'...," The AOPA Pilot, May 1969

Biographical information

"Sheila Scott's North Pole World Flight 1971" (typed article)

Chart of "Sheila Scott's 34,000 Mile Solo Flight Around the World"

Obituaries, 1988
Scott, Thomas [Young airplane passenger]

"'Good Ride,' Says Youthful Flyer," The Anaconda Standard, February 6, 1920
Seely, J.E.B. [British Secretary of State for War]

"Questions in Parliament," Flight, February 1, 1913
Selby, John [Pioneer pilot who worked with Verne Gorst]

"John Selby," Port Townsend Leader, July 30, 2003
Selfridge, Thomas [First person to die in an airplane]

Folder 1: "White Wing" (typed description of an airplane)

Folder 2: Small photograph of Selfridge and others with an early airplane
Semprini, Federico [Italian World War I pilot]

"'Bravo! Benissimo!'," Air & Space, October/November 1994
Serling, Robert J. [Author]

Obituary, Seattle Times, May 12, 2010
Seversky, Alexander de [Pilot and airplane manufacturer]

Photograph labeled "Society Air Meet, 1931"

Photograph of Seversky and others at National Aircraft Show, undated

Photograph of Seversky standing in cockpit of airplane
Shannon, Jack [possibly a Boeing employee]

Photograph of Shannon standing next to Boeing airplane
Shaud, John A. [U. S. Air Force commander]

Official biography, United States Air Force, Office of Public Affairs
Shaw, Ann Kirk [First woman licensed helicopter pilot, aviatrix]

Brief autobiographical note
Shaw, Brewster H., Jr. [U.S. astronaut]

Photograph of Shaw onboard Columbia (STS-9), NASA, 1983
Sheeley, Charles A. [U.S. World War II fighter pilot]

Folder 1:

Newspaper articles about Sheeley

Letter from Sheeley's son about his father, 1994

Folder 2:

Photograph of Sheeley sitting in front of AT-6 at Stockton Air Training School, 1941

Photograph of Sheeley standing by Ryan PT-20, 1940
Shepard, Alan B. [U.S. astronaut]

Folder 1:

NASA biographical data sheet, undated

Biographical sketch

"Alan Shepard Jr.: The Right Stuff--And More," Ultra magazine, September 1985

Obituary, Air Force Magazine, September 1998

Folder 2:

Photograph of Shepard and Mercury capsule on U.S. Navy Carrier Champlain (NASA photograph)
Sherman, Arthur [Aviation ]

Folder 1:

See Alaska As God Sees It (brochure ) no date but autographed in 1975, 1920 King County Hunting and Fishing licenses, small leather note book with faded pencil entries, 1922 sympathy letter on Boeing Aircraft Club stationery, framed tribute to Sherman [Note: Folder missing October 13, 1917]

Folder 2:

Original, black-and-white photographs, circa 1919-1921:

Caproni Flying Boat

Airplanes at Nome, Alaska

Dornier Giant Seaplane on Lake Constance

Farman "Goliath," exterior and interior views

Interior of Handley Page Type W.E.

3/4 rear view of Handley Page W.8

Handley Page bomber

Bristol Pullman passenger airplane
Shineman, William [Manager of Boeing Company's Everett plant]

"Boeing Plant Chief Prefers Managing From the Bottom Up," Seattle Times, October 15, 1990
Shirley, John H. [U.S. B-17 pilot]

Folder 1: Brief, hand-written autobiographical note by B-17 pilot, 1985

Folder 2: Small color photograph of Shirley on bicycle, 1985
Shomo, Bill [U.S. World War II ace pilot]

"7 Kills in 13 Minutes: Saga of Rookie Ace Bill Shomo," no source, undated
Short, Robert M. [U.S. Army Air Corps Reserves pilot]

Folder 1:

"Impressive Burial of Colonel Robert M. Short," The China Weekly Review, April 30, 1932

"How Bob Short Met His Death in the Soochow Air-Battle," The China Weekly Review, March 26, 1932

"Robert Short: The Making of a Hero," A.A.H.S. Journal, Spring 1970

Photocopies of photographs

Four flyers advertising exhibit at Suzhou Celebrities Memorial Museum, Suzhou Municipal Center of Public Culture, August 16 – December 18, 2015.

Folder 2:

"Robert Short, Flying P-12, Made History in Heroic 6-1 Aerial Attack in China," Boeing News, December 9, 1988

"At Peace: 44-Year Search for Brother of Man Flier Shot Down in 1932 Dogfight Ends Here," The Maui News, April 27, 1977

"Two Warriors...A Debt Settled," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 1, 1977

"An Old Airman Pays a 44-Year-Old Salute," Tacoma News Tribune, July 18, 1976

"The Burial of Hatred," Seattle Times Magazine, February 4, 1979

Folder 3:

Head shot of Short in flight gear

Photograph of Short's memorial
Showalter, Noah D. [Boeing Chief of Flight and engineer]

Obituary, 1981

"Know Your Hall of Famers: N.D. Showalter Was Elected to OX-5 Hall of Fame in 1978"
Shrontz, Frank [Boeing Company chairman]

Folder 1:

"Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Medal of Achievement Honoring Frank Shrontz" (two brochures)

"Continuous Quality Improvement" by Frank Shrontz, BMA Manager, March-April 1990

Folder 2:

"Boeing's Happy, Harrowing Times," Fortune, July 17, 1989

"Cost-Cutting is Critical, Shrontz Says," Boeing News, November 13, 1987

"Boeing Will Fly Into Future With Shrontz in the Cockpit," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 25, 1986

Folder 3:

Professional photograph of Shrontz
Sikorsky, Igor [Aircraft designer]

Biographical sketches including one from Sikorsky Aircraft, 1977

Lithograph of color painting, 1964

"The Flight of the Il'ya Muromets," Air & Space, April/May 1986

Letter from Amos Wood regarding Sikorsky, 1980

"Recollections of a Pioneer" (exhibit brochure), New England Air Museum

"Sikorsky Honored," The AOPA Pilot, February 1968

"My Travels with Mr. Sikorsky," The AOPA Pilot, September 1976

"Sikorsky," no source, undated

"The Shape of Ships to Come," Skyways, February 1943

"American Trailblazers: Igor Sikorsky," American Heritage, April 1992

"Sikorsky Sees $3,000,000 Planes Taking 120 People Over Atlantic in 16 Hours," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 19, 1935
Shulenberger, Marvin K. [Boeing flight engineer]

Obituaries, 1989
Shupe, Cecil O. [Pioneer aviator]

Correspondence between Shupe and Richard Allen regarding Lockheed Vega NC4097
Simmons, Garfield Lee [U.S. Marine Corps WWII aviator]

"He Flew with Boyington's Black Sheep," no source, undated
Simmons, Sheldon "Shell" [Pioneer pilot]

Folder 1:

Letter from Gene Kirsten to The Museum of Flight nominating Simmons for a Pathfinder Award, 1991

"The Wreck of the Patterson," Juneau Alaska Empire, undated

"Flying a Good Life for Pioneer Pilot," Juneau Empire, July 12, 1991

"Shell Simmons: A True Aviation Hero Dies in Juneau at 86," General Aviation News & Flyer, December 1994

Folder 2:

Photograph of Bruce Kennedy and Shel Simmons (Alaska Airlines)
Sinclair, Cecil [Pioneer aviator]

"One of Nation's Oldest Aviators Dies at Age 97," Tacoma Tribune, April 7, 1986
Sinclair, Frank [Test pilot for Seversky Airplane Company]

"Pilot Leaps to Safety As Plane Crashes Here; Seversky Tested at Wright Field Lands in Flames," no source, undated

"$25,000 Ship Wrecked Near Wright Field," no source, undated

"Burning Plane," The Dayton Herald, undated (incomplete)

"Seversky Missing Four Days on Mystery Flight," The Seversky News, December 1936

Additional newspaper articles regarding airplane crashes

Photocopies of photographs
Skelton, Betty [Airshow pilot, aviatrix]

"Betty Skelton Flies an Airshow," Flying, February 1949

"Betty Skelton's Notebook," Flying, December 1950
Skinner, Dora Davis [Acrobatics' pilot, aviatrix]

Biographical sketch

Letter to The Museum of Flight regarding Skinner and her airplane, 1995

Photocopies of photographs

Brief newspaper articles with photographs, 1931, 1933
Slaughter, William E. "Red" [Aviation pioneer, commercial pilot]

Obituary, [1998?]
Slayton, Donald "Deke" [U.S. astronaut]

Biographical sketches

Race report with photograph of Slayton and Bob Drew, National Air-Racing Group, 1989

Photocopy of cover of Formula Forum, July 1993 (with photograph of Slayton)

"Deke Slayton; US History in the Making: The Story of an American Astronaut," American Program Bureau

Obituaries, 1993
Sloan, Alfred P. [President, General Motors Corporation]

Pages relating to aviation from Sloan's book, My Years With General Motors, 1964
Slovak, Miraslav [Pilot of light planes and commercial airliners]

Folder 1:

"Thoughts From a Poor Refugee," no source, 1965

"From Czechoslovakia to Santa Paula," Air Progress, May 1983

"Mira Slovak's Escape from Czechoslovakia," Avian, March 1969

Correspondence to and from Slovak, 1968, 1971

Miscellaneous newspaper clippings, postcards, fliers, etc.

"Mira!," by Richard Bach, no source, undated

Articles and photographs relating to Slovak on a CD-ROM

News release from Famous-Barr Company regarding glider flown by Slovak in the Daily Mail New York to London Air Race, undated

Folder 2:

Numerous newspaper articles regarding his glider powered by a Volkswagen automobile engine, including some regarding the Daily Mail Transatlantic Air Race, 1968-1971

Folder 3:

Christmas card

Photographs of Slovak in cockpit of N1700

Photograph of Slovak in hospital

Photograph of wreckage of N1700

Photographs of Slovak during Daily Mail Transatlantic Air Race, 1969
Smith, Arthur Roy [Air mail pilot]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch

"Art Smith, Air-Mail Pilot, Dies in Crash," no source, undated

Photocopy of photograph of Smith in Curtiss Model D

Folder 2:

Photograph on postcard of Smith describing his skywriting
Smith, C. R. [American Airlines president]

Letter from Steve Johnson to the Museum of Flight regarding Smith's accomplishments, June 22, 1987
Smith, Delford M. [Chief Executive Officer, Evergreen International Aviation]

Folder 1:

Sales brochure for Evergreen, undated

Article regarding Evergreen, Professional Pilot, March 1988

"'We're Opportunists,'" Forbes magazine, December 10, 1990

Ninth Annual PathfinderAwards, 1990 (program)

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Smith

Color proof sheet of helicopter photographs

Color photograph of Smith

Photograph of Smith in helicopter (N9732C)
Smith, Dick [Helicopter pilot]

Dick Smith's Solo Around the World Helicopter Attempt, 1982 (publicity information)

"The Last Great Aviation Adventure? Dick Smith's Solo Around-The-World Helicopter Flight" (autographed souvenir brochure)
Smith, Don [Manager, King County Airport]

Folder 1:

"Exec Has Seen a Lot of History Take Flight," Seattle Times, August 16, 1993

Photocopies of contact sheets

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Smith
Smith, Elinor [Pilot, aviatrix]

"Pioneering Pilot Elinor Smith Sullivan Dies at 98," Washington Post, March 24, 2010

"My Friend, G.M.," by Elinor Smith, Air & Space, August/September 1988

"Off the Record," by Elinor Smith, Air & Space, February/March 1992

Biographical sketch, Women Aloft

"2 Girls Wistfully Hear News of Amelia's Flight," unidentified publication, circa 1932
Smith, Floyd Ralph O. one folder contains 1985 hand-written letter from Aubrey Hoyt to MOF enclosing copies of 1912-17 letters (folder missing, March 2018)
Smith, H. Truesdell [Exhibition parachute jumper and skydiver]

Six-page self-published autobiography of “Smitty the Jumper” signed by him on September 27, 1971. The publishing date is unknown.

“Gold Wings” poem written by Smith that commemorates his 209th jump and his United States Parachute Association Gold Wings award.
Smith, Herbert [Aircraft designer]

Five-page article from Air Pictorial magazine, June 1975.
Smith, Irving [U.S. Army Airforce pilot, WWII]

Letter from Smith's son-in-law, Edward Swain, to Museum of Flight, September 1, 2010

Photocopy of Smith's Operational Sortie Record as B-17 pilot

Smith's resume

Photocopies of two photographs of Smith and crew
Smith, J. Floyd [Early aviator]

Photocopies of letters, postcards, and photographs relating Smith's adventures
Smith, J. Story [Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association founder]

"AOPA Founder J. Story Smith Passes Away, The AOPA Pilot, April 1972
Smith, Joan Merriam [Pilot, aviatrix]

Articles about "The Longest Flight, The Daring Adventure of Global Aviatrix, Joan Merriam"
Smith, Joe [United Airlines pilot]

Obituaries, 1989

Memorial programs

Text of interview with Smith

"Retired Pilot Revisits Old 'Paper Route,'" no source, undated

"Notebook Shows Part Gold Hill, Talent, Hilt Played in Aviation," Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1976
Smith, Kingsford [Australian pilot]

"'World's Greatest Aviator,'" Air Classics, undated
Smith, Lewis [Airplane builder and craftsman]

"Artisan With a Jackknife in an Age of Automation," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 5, 1964
Smith, Leslie C. [Pilot, World War II]

Photograph of Smith with foot on P-51 landing gear circa World War II
Smith, Merle K., "Mudhole" [Bush pilot]

"'Mudhole' Smith, One of Alaska's Early Bush Pilots, Is Gone," Seattle Times, July 5, 1981

Photocopy of photograph of Smith
Smith, Murray [Writer, publisher, pilot]

"Murray Smith--Squeezing Together a Love of Writing and Aviation," Airport Journal, January 2005
Smith, Richard K. [Aviation author]

"The Intercontinental Airliner and the Essence of Airplane Performance, 1929-1939," by Smith, Technology and Culture, July 1983

"The Weight Envelope: An Airplane's Fourth Dimension--Aviation's 'Bottom Line,'" by Smith (typescript)
Smith, R. T. [Pilot, American Volunteer Group]

"R.T. Smith; The Passing of an American Aviation Legend," Air Classics, January 1996
Smith, Scott W. [U.S. Air Force pilot]

Obituary, Seattle Times, September 10, 1992
Smith, Wayne Boardway [U.S. aviator, World War I]

Photocopies of letters written by Wayne Smith, 1917-1919

Photocopies of photographs and postcards

Obituaries of Smith and his wife, Charlotte

Strip of negatives
Smith, Zane Clare [Professional designer]

Folder 1:

"Description of Design for Air Station" by Zane Clare Smith, 1984 (thesis for Master of Architecture degree from University of Washington)

Folder 2:

"Zeppelin Sheds" by Zane C. Smith, 1984

Photocopies of articles relating to his research

Typed report partially relating the Red Barn and restoration shops
Smith, Zay [Pioneer aviator and chief of United Airlines design department]

"Pioneer Aviator, Civic Leader Zay Smith," Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1995

Letter from Smith to Howard Lovering, Museum of Flight, reminiscing about his design experiences with United Airlines, December 22, 1986
Snyder, Orval H. [Aircraft designer]

Typed biographical sketch
Soloy, Joe I. [Founder, Soloy Corporation]

Letter from Soloy to Museum of Flight, December 4, 1996
Sommerich, Eugene M. [U.S. Air Force major, photographer]

Email with a few details of Sommerich's life, January 10, 2006

Photocopy of photograph
Soper, Steve [Aerobatic pilot]

"Pilot Needs No Wheelchair for Aerobatics," Seattle Times, August 18, 1989
Soplata, Walter [Airplane collector, founder of Soplata Museum]

"Museum in the Making," Sport Aviation, January 1971
Sopwith, Thomas, Sir [Aviation pioneer]

Typed biographical sketch

"Sopwith and His Camel," FAA Aviation News, February 1973

"Builder of the Sopwith Camel Turns 100 Today, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 18, 1988

Obituaries, 1989
Soucek, Apollo [U.S. Navy pilot, ship commander]

"Executive Officer, Commander Apollo Soucek," no source, undated
Southern, Neta Snook [Pilot, flight instructor, aviatrix]

Obituary, Seattle Times, March 26, 1991

Articles about Snook who taught Amelia Earhart to fly, 1981, undated
Spaatz, Carl [U.S. Air Force commander]

Biographical sketch

"Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, USAF," CAF Dispatch, May/June 1988

"News Digest," Aviation Week & Space Technology, July 22, 1974

Biographical sketch, Air Information Division, Department of the Air Force

Photocopies of photographs
Spangrud, Truman [U. .S. Air Force commander]

Official biography, United States Air Force, Office of Public Affairs
Spencer, Dean [Aircraft supplier and inventor]

Advertisement regarding Spencer's invention of device to prevent sloshing of coffee in cups. Air West magazine, March 1966 (reprint)
Spencer, Percival [Pilot and aircraft inventor]

"Going Places," Seattle Times, April 4, 1986
Spencer, Ted M. [Alaska aviation historian]

"Resume for Ted M. Spencer, 1947-2006," Alaska Historical Aviation Institute, undated
Spenhoff, Talbert E. [World War II B-17 radio operator]

Photocopy of a letter to Spenhoff from Ivo M. de Jong. Seeks information for a book he was writing about the May 28, 1944, 8th Air Force Mission 375, November 25, 1999.

Photocopy of a letter to de Jong from Lorraine Caron, Spenhof’s daughter. Discusses some information provided, December 17, 1999.

Photocopy of a letter to de Jong from Spenhoff. Describes a mid-air collision with a B-24 just after takeoff and an interaction with a child at a bakery, December 23, 1999.

Color copy of Stenhoff’s portrait photograph, circa 1939-1944, likely just before Stenhoff went overseas.
Sperry, Elmer A. [Inventor]

Three (3) black-and-white photographs of Sperry

Two (2) photographs of advertisements for Sperry Gyroscope Co.

Two (2) photographs of instruments, medals, and The Collier Trophy, 1914 and 1916
Spieth, Glen [Museum founder, collector]

"Museum Offers Glimpse Into History," University Place Journal, August 27, 1999
Spitzer, Paul G. [Boeing Corporation historian]

"War Plane Procurement at Boeing, 1915 to 1958," by Spitzer (typed manuscript)
Springs, Elliot White [World War I ace pilot, textile manufacturer]

Folder 1:

"PersonAIRlities, [sic]" Aero Digest, September, 1930

"Final Services Held for Col. Springs In Fort Mill," The Springs Bulletin, October 21, 1959

"Never Another Ace Like Elliott White Springs!," Air Progress, November 1967

Photocopy of photograph

Brochure “Springs Close Family Archives”

Book “Warbirds, Diary of an Unknown Aviator” copyright 1926 and 1951. From World War I.

Folder 2:

Small, black-and-white, autographed photograph of Springs standing by biplane

Three photographs of Springs, circa 1914-1919
Stafford, Thomas P. [U.S. astronaut]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch (including biographical notes regarding Donald Slayton and Vance DeVoe Brand)

Folder 2:

NASA color lithograph of Stafford autographed in 1990

Autographed color photo, undated

NASA photograph of moon taken by Apollo 10 and autographed by Stafford
Stamper, Kevin [Chief Executive of Pro Air airline]

"Pro Air Targets Business People," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 4, 1997
Stamper, Malcolm T. [Boeing Company Vice-Chairman]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch, Flying Review, January 1969

Obituary of Marion Stamper, Seattle Times, April 26, 2017

Folder 2: Photograph of Stamper at desk
Standal, Neil W. [Vice President, Boeing Company]

Black-and-white photograph of Standal
Starcer, Tony [B-17 nose artist]

Folder 1:

List of B-17 planes painted by Starcer

Handwritten letter from Starcer to the Museum of Flight regarding his work, undated

Folder 2:

Three (3) color and one (1) black-and-white photographs of Starcer and his work
Stearman, Lloyd [Aviation pioneer]

Folder 1:

"In Memory Lloyd Stearman," SRA "Outfit" Newsletter, May 1975

Photocopy of photograph of Stearman, Walter Beech, and Jake, 1923

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Stearman in cockpit, Smithsonian Institution
Stearns, Edith Foltz [Pilot, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"The Flying Life and Times of Edith Foltz Stearns," The Ninety-Nine News, July-August 1978

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Stearns standing by airplane
Steinberger, Joan [Powder Puff Derby pilot, aviatrix]

"The Winner Never Finished," AOPA Pilot, December 1969
Steiner, John E. [Vice President, Corporate Product Development, Boeing Company]

Folder 1:

"Boeing Establishes UW Professorships," Seattle Times, May 18, 1992

"Aircraft Development and World Aviation Growth," by Steiner. Lecture, Royal Aeronautical Society, 1969

"Future Technology in Commercial Airplanes," by Steiner. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1976

"The Timing of Technology, Commercial Transport Aircraft," by Steiner. American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1977

"The Future of Air Transportation: Technical Overview," by Steiner. AIAA Annual Meeting, 1977

"A Dilemma: Appropriate Role of CAD/CAM in Major New Aerospace Programs," by Steiner. CAM-I International Spring Seminar, 1978

"Jet Aviation Development: One Company's Perspective; The Last Forty Years and a Brief Look at the Future," by Steiner. National Air & Space Museum, 1979

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Steiner and others by the 727 Time Capsule in the Red Barn
Stempel, Deborah [WASP pilot, aviatrix]

"Plant 684 Woman Flyer Forced Down in Desert," no source, undated
Stenzel, Dorothy Hester [Aviation pioneer, aerobatic pilot, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"Obituaries: Daredevil Flier Dorothy Stenzel," Seattle Times, March 13, 1991

"Dorothy Hester Stenzel Did It All," OAM Newsletter, August/September 1989

Letter to The Museum of Flight regarding Stenzel's memorial service from her daughter, undated

Letter from Stenzel regarding article about her written by her granddaughter, undated

"Princess-Kick-A-Hole-In-The-Sky: Golden Age Aerobatic Ace," by Michelle Ladd (paper for a college course), December 11, 1987

"Dorothy Hester..Queen of Thrills!" Advertisement that appeared in October issues of Aero Digest, Airway Age and Western Flying, undated

"Sky Princess Passes on Her Scepter," no source, [1989?]

"Great Lakes Biplane on Exhibit," 1977 Oregon Air Fair Program

"A Girlish Daredevil of The Upper Air: Miss Dorothy Hester," no source, [1929?]

"Air Pioneer Says Jet Rides Don't Compare," Valley Daily News, November 8, 1988

"Woman Aviator To Get Honor -- Depression Barnstormer," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, November 7, 1988

"Woman Flier Joins Aviation Hall of Fame," The Oregonian, November 20, 1988

"Portland aviatrix, stunt pilot dies of cancer," The Oregonian, [March 1991]

Folder 2:

Numerous newspaper articles regarding Stenzel, 1961, 1980-1988

Photocopies of photographs of Stenzel

Folder 3:

Black-and-white photographs of:

--Stenzel and Ernst Udet, 1931

--Stenzel with Boleslaw Orlinski and Ernst Udet, 1931

--Stenzel portraits (3)

--Stenzel taking "G test" at Pensacola (3)

--Stenzel in front of her Great Lakes trainer

--Stenzel and Ted Rankin with airplane NC315Y

--Stenzel in flight, upside down, 1988

--Stenzel, 1985
Stephens, Bartlett [United Airlines pilot]

"24,000 Hours He's Flown Without Death or Injury," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 31, 1964 (includes photograph of Stephens in front of United's last Boeing 40B)

Brief obituary of Harriet Bauer Stephens, flight attendant for United Airlines and wife of Bartlett, Seattle Times, March 31, 1998
Sterling, Cora [Pilot, aviatrix]

"Plane Becomes Death Vehicle for Aviatrix and Children, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 1, 1940
Stevens, Robert William [Commercial airlines pilot, author]

Resume (typescript)

Publicity brochure for Stevens' book, Alaskan Aviation History, 1897-1930

Letters to Stevens upon his retirement, 1966-1967

Newspaper articles about Stevens, 1978

"With Folded Wings" (short reminiscence by Stevens)

Photocopies of photographs
Stevenson, R. F. [Aviation enthusiast]

Folder 1:

Business card

Hand-written notes about model building, [1990?]

Folder :

Color photographs of models and workshop, 1989
Stewart, William Glen [British Airways pilot]

"The November Oscar Incident," Air & Space, February/March 1994
Stiles, Bert [WWII B-17 pilot]

"Making of a Crew," Air Classics, January 1996
Stimpson, Steve A. [Traffic manager, Boeing Air Transport]

Memorandum promoting the idea of stewardess service written by Stimpson, 1930

"Pat" Patterson by Frank J. Taylor. Lane Magazine and Book Company, 1967 (photocopy of pages 34-38, 52-53 regarding 1930s decision to hire stewardesses by Boeing Air Transport and related issues)
Stimson, Thomas Douglas [Aviation pioneer in Pacific Northwest]

"Lonely Boulder Tells Story of Old Tragedy," Wenatchee Daily News, September 25, 1966

Photocopies of newspaper articles about Stimson, 1928-1931

Re-typed articles about Stimson from Seattle Times, 1928-1931

Photocopies of photographs of Stimson and others
Stine, Charles M. A. [Vice-president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company]

"Molders of a Better Destiny," by Stine, Aero Digest, undated
Stine, G. Harry [Engineering-design specialist]

"New Frontier; Engineer Delves into Science Fiction and Fact," Arizona Republic, August 8, 1982
Stinson, Eddie [Barnstormer pilot]

"14,000 Hours in the Air," Popular Mechanics, [mid-1920s]
Stinson, Katherine [Aviation pioneer, barnstormer, aviatrix]

Biographical sketches

"Katherine Stinson, 'The Flying Schoolgirl,'" FAA Aviation News, November 1971

"Only Feminine Wright Pilot in the World," Aero and Hydro, August 3, 1912 (cover photograph)

Typed biography of Stinson from Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation, undated

Photocopies of photographs
Stinson, Marjorie [Flight instructor, aviatrix]

Biographical sketch

Photocopy of photograph
Stohr, Willis Penn [Early Idaho pilot]

Pathfinder nomination, undated
Stone, Elmer F. [First Coast Guard aviator]

Photograph of Commander Stone climbing into a JF-2 seaplane, early 1930s
Stone, John [Pilot in 8th Fighter Wing in Vietnam]

Photograph of then-Lt. Stone and another unidentified USAF pilot next to F-4 air intake, undated
Stonecipher, Harry C. [President, The Boeing Company]

"Innovation and Creativity: From the Light Bulb to the Jet Engine and Beyond." Talk at The Royal Aeronautical Society, 1998
Stoner, George H. [Boeing engineer]

Folder 1:

Nomination biography for Museum of Flight Aerospace Pathfinder Award, 1988

Photocopies of articles about Stoner from Boeing News, 1970-1971

Photocopies of photograph of Boeing S-IC management team, 1962

Copy of letter dated January 7, 1943, from Boeing requesting draft deferment and a copy of internal Boeing documents supporting the letter.

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photographs of Stoner
Storms, Kenneth [Boeing engineer]

"Planes Were Kenneth Storms' Life; Boeing Engineer Hailed as a Pro," Seattle Times, January 14, 1993
Stout, William Bushnell [Aeronautical designer, president Stout Industries]

Biographical sketch

"Sky Cars as Designed by William B. Stout," Aero Digest, August 1943

"The Man Behind the Metal Ship," The AOPA Pilot, November 1966

"Return of the Utility Aircraft," Aero Digest, June 1949
Straith, William [Airplane designer and pilot]

"Father Built, Flew His Own Planes; Son Works at Boeing," Boeing News, November 1, 1951

Copy of photograph of Straith in replica of 1916-1917 Wright airplane, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Stratton, Jack [Boeing employee and U.S. Army Air Force pilot]

Photocopy of letter from Army Air Forces about induction of Boeing employee, May 17, 1944

Photocopy of Air Force crew in front of airplane, Pendelton Army Air Force Base, 1942

Photocopy of two types of badges shaped like wings
Street, St. Clair, General [U.S. Army Air Force pilot and commander]

Biographical sketch
Stromer, George W., "Gustav" [Pilot]

Reprints of articles regarding Stromer from Washington and Oregon newspapers, 1914-1917, from website:, 2007
Strong, James H. [U.S. Navy commander]

Signed photograph of Strong and other Navy men in front of Navy airplane with handwritten note on back: "built parachute 'rides,' towers eventually used to train paratroopers"
Stuart, Noel Rae [First woman pilot to solo from Boeing Field, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"Noel Stuart, First Woman Pilot to Solo From Boeing Field, Is Honored," Viewpoint, Spring 1973

Correspondence with Museum of Flight regarding Stuart

Photocopies of articles regarding Stuart

(Family does not know where plaque honoring Stuart is located. Museum staff have checked at the Boeing Field terminal building and the memorial for the Sand Lot.)

Folder 2:

Negative of photograph (of Stuart?) on wing of airplane
Stussel, Ing. R. [Aircraft designer]

"The Art of Designing Transport Aircraft; Airline Needs and Design Implications." Paper by Stussel delivered at AIAA 1981 Annual Meeting
Suggs, Jack [U.S. Navy commander and captain of Howard Hughes' yachts]

"A Gold Mine of Howard Hughes' Stories," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 19, 1990
Sukhoy, Pavel [Soviet aviation designer]

Photocopy of photograph
Sullivan, Kathy [U.S. astronaut, aviatrix]

"Spacewalking Sullivan is 'Not Your Basic Frail Female,'" Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 12, 1984
Sutter, Joseph F. [Chief engineer of Boeing 747]

Folder 1:

"Father of the 747 Reflects on His Plane -- and His Dreams," Seattle Times, October 31, 1995

"Boeing To Roll Out Its 1,000 747," Seattle Times, September 9, 1993

"Boeing Establishes UW Professorships," Seattle Times, May 18, 1992

"Sutter Stresses Product Basics, Communication," Boeing News, August 22, 1986

Letter from Qantas Airlines to Sutter regarding 747, 1970 (photocopy)

Folder 2:

Art of Aircraft Design by Sutter, 1980 (booklet)

Wide-Body Aircraft Design Technology by Sutter, 1973 (booklet)

Big Project Engineering by Sutter, 1970 (booklet)
Swanson, Carl [Builder of WWI fighter airplanes]

"The Wizard of Sycamore," National Aeronautics, undated
Sweeney, Charles [U.S. Air Force pilot]

"Charles Sweeney, Pilot of Plane That Dropped A-bomb on Nagasaki," Seattle Times, July 18, 2004
Szekely, Otto E. [Aircraft engine designer]

Typescript of article about Szekely for Vintage Airplane


  • 20th Century

Language of Materials

All materials are in English.

Conditiona Governing Access

This collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 36 Cubic Feet (Three four-drawer lateral file cabinets)

Seely, Vic

[Collector of aviation-related photographs]

"Capturing Aviaion [sic] History," PNW Local, November 15, 2003
Storck, George [Seattle businessman and pilot]

Photocopies of newspaper articles regarding an attempted round-the-world flight in an Avro Avian, "Seattle Spirit," 1928

Certificate of Flight in Boeing airplane (signed by pilot, Eddie Hubbard)

Repository Details

Part of the The Museum of Flight Archives Repository

9404 East Marginal Way South
Seattle Washington 98108-4097

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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