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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 60

LeRoy Milliren National Air Races Photograph Album

Identifier: 2014-00-00-29

LeRoy Milliren (1919-1997) was a Major in the United States Army during World War II. The collection primarily relates to the 1932 Cleveland Air Races and is comprised of a photograph album containing one hundred ninety-eight (198) black-and-white photographs of assorted aircraft.

Dates: 1930-1932

William Monks Photograph Albums

Identifier: 1996-02-28

Two photograph albums containing images of the Monks family and William Monks's World War I service in the U.S. Navy.

Dates: circa 1915-1920s

Albert Fulton Moorehead World War II Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2004-03-03
Contents of the Collection The Albert Fulton Moorehead World War II Collection primarily relates to the World War II service of pilot Albert Fulton Moorehead, who served with the United States Naval Reserve Patrol Bombing Squadron 136. The collection contains approximately 130 photographs depicting locations in Alaska during the war, military personnel, activities, and aircraft. Additional materials include a pilot's log book, a typed "Personal History of VPB-136" by Robert R. Larson, military records...
Dates: 1941-1945

Jack Northcott photograph album

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 2013-07-15
Contents of the Collection The Jack Northcott photograph album contains black-and-white photographs and assorted printed ephemera related to Northcott's United States Navy service during the 1950s. The album was likely collected and put together by Northcott or a close friend or family member. The front cover of the green leather[?] album has two (2) personalizations. On the top left side is a circular seal edged in red with a blue dragon over a ship [possibly a submarine]. Along the seal on the top reads...
Dates: circa 1950s

John P. Oberto Pilot Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-05-17
Contents of the Collection The John P. Oberto Pilot Collection is a small collection that holds textual and visual materials primarily related to Oberto's World War II service as a naval aviator. The collection includes three logbooks, 1942-1954, and multiple service certificates, including Naval Aviator, VRF-1 Squadron, Satisfactory Service, and his 1961 Honorable Discharge. Also included are notes and twelve modern digital prints and reprints of Oberto as he visited aircraft he had flown during his...
Dates: 1942-circa 2010s

Remi Charles O’Connor Collection

Identifier: 2019-03-19
Contents of the Collection The Remi Charles O'Connor Collection primarily relates to the 1941-1956 military service of O'Connor, a Naval Aviator in World War II and the Korean War. The collection is comprised of textual materials such as logs, correspondence, and clippings, as well as 10 photographic prints and one 8mm film reel.The bulk of the collection consists of O'Connor's flight logs, including two from his student pilot training in 1941 and five that cover his flying career from 1941-1964. The logs...
Dates: 1941-1999; Majority of material found within 1941-1956

Leroy O. Olson World War II Collection

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2014-09-30
Contents of the Collection The Leroy O. Olson World War II Collection is quite small and relates to the 1943-1945 United States Navy pilot career of Leroy "Lee" O. Olson. It is comprised of a logbook and five photographs. The logbook covers from May 1943 to October 1945 and includes information such as duration of flight, locations, and type of aircraft. Identified aircraft include the North American SNJ-4 Texan, Douglas SBD Dauntless, Grumman F-2 Wildcat, and Grumman F6F Hellcat. All of the photographs...
Dates: 1943-1945, undated

William Orthman World War II Collection

Identifier: 1991-07-17-A

William Orthman (1911-1990) was drafted into the United States Army in 1942. He served in the China-Burma-India Theater as Public Relations Officer. The collection is comprised of 340 photographs and a small amount of textual materials from his 1945-1946 service.

Dates: 1945-1946

Alan Lonsdale Patterson Papers

Identifier: 2021-08-03-A
Overview Alan Lonsdale Patterson worked extensively in the field of aviation from the 1920s to the 1980s. Throughout his career he worked as a barnstormer, pilot and established multiple companies that facilitated the sale of aircraft and aeronautical equipment, predominately between companies based in the United States and China. The collection represents both his professional and personal life through correspondence, photographs, business records, clippings and audiovisual materials, as well as...
Dates: 1876-2021; Majority of material found within 1920-1981

Cyrille M. Peabody Boeing Collection

Identifier: 2020-08-29
Contents of the Collection The Cyrille M. Peabody Boeing Collection holds original artwork and reference files of Cyrille "Cy" M. Peabody, a Boeing Company employee and designer who worked in various art departments over a 31 1/2 year period in the mid-to-late 20th century. The collection is organized into two series: I. Artwork and II. Reference Files. Series I., Peabody's original art is mostly grouped together within 10 folders (2 boxes), although some individual pieces are found in subject folders. His...
Dates: circa 1950s-1980s

Filtered By

  • Names: United States. Navy X
  • Subject: photographic prints X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

World War, 1939-1945 30
Air pilots, Military 24
clippings (information artifacts) 23
logs (records) 20
Airplanes, Military 18
∨ more
certificates 17
military records 15
printed ephemera 15
correspondence 14
aerial photographs 13
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Area 11
Seaplanes 10
Washington (State) 10
photograph albums 10
Aircraft carriers 9
scrapbooks 9
Aircraft accidents 8
Soldiers 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
negatives (photographs) 8
Airplanes -- Design and construction 7
Airships 7
Alaska 7
Naval aviation 7
identity cards 7
California 6
lithographs 6
maps (documents) 6
photocopies 6
slides (photographs) 6
8mm (photographic film size) 5
Air pilots 5
Airlines 5
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Family 5
Boeing B-29 Superfortress 5
Consolidated B-24 Liberator Family 5
Douglas DC-3 Family 5
Florida 5
Grumman F6F Hellcat Family 5
Hawaii 5
Northwest, Pacific 5
Seattle (Wash.) 5
Shanghai (China) 5
Vought F4U Corsair Family 5
Women in aeronautics 5
newsletters 5
orders (military records) 5
16mm (photographic film size) 4
Airplane racing 4
Biplanes 4
Boeing P-12 Family 4
China 4
Curtiss N-9 4
Curtiss SB2C Helldiver Family 4
Douglas SBD Dauntless Family 4
Fighter pilots 4
Floatplanes 4
Helicopters 4
Japan 4
Korean War, 1950-1953 4
North American P-51 Mustang Family 4
Rainier, Mount (Wash.) 4
Ships 4
United States -- Armed Forces -- Insignia 4
booklets 4
digital prints 4
drawings (visual works) 4
postcards 4
Aces (Fighter pilots) 3
Aeronautics, Commercial 3
Air shows 3
Airplanes -- Flight testing 3
Boeing B-17 Model 299 Flying Fortress ("XB-17") 3
Boeing B-47 Stratojet Family (Model 450) 3
Boeing F3B-1 (Model 77) 3
Boeing Model 747 Family 3
Bombing, Aerial 3
Commuter aircraft 3
Consolidated PBY Catalina Family 3
Curtiss C-46 Commando Family 3
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Family 3
Douglas B-18 Family 3
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Family 3
Douglas C-54 Skymaster 3
Douglas DC-2 Family 3
Flight attendants 3
Flight training 3
General Motors (Eastern) FM-2 Wildcat 3
Grumman F7F Tigercat Family 3
Hong Kong (China) 3
Keystone Bomber Family 3
Lockheed P-38 Lightning Family 3
Los Angeles (Calif.) 3
Military education 3
Military training camps 3
Naval Station Puget Sound (Wash.) 3
North American AT-6 Texan Family 3
North American B-25 Mitchell Family 3
Okinawa Island (Japan) 3
+ ∧ less
German 3
Chinese 2
Norwegian 2
Arabic 1
French 1
∨ more  
United States. Air Force 11
United States. Army 9
United States. Marine Corps 8
United States. Army Air Forces 7
United States. Army. Air Corps 6
∨ more
United States. Naval Reserve 6
United Airlines 5
Boeing 4
National Championship Air Races 4
North American 4
Boeing Company 3
Boeing, William Edward, 1881-1956 3
Douglas Aircraft Company 3
Germany. Luftwaffe 3
Graf Zeppelin (Airship) 3
King County International Airport 3
Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974 3
Lockheed 3
Shenandoah (Airship) 3
United States. Army. Air Service 3
United States. Army. Women's Army Corps 3
Akron (Airship) 2
American Airlines 2
American Fighter Aces Association 2
Associated Women Pilots of Boeing Field 2
Canada. Royal Canadian Air Force 2
Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958 2
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975 2
Douglas, Donald Wills, Sr., 1892-1981 2
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 2
Grumman (Bethpage, NY) 2
Hubbard, Edward, 1889-1928 2
Lexington (Aircraft carrier : 1943-1991) 2
McCook Field (Ohio) 2
Munter, Herbert, 1894-1970 2
Northrop 2
Northwest Airlines Corporation 2
Pulitzer Air Race 2
Stenzel, Dorothy (Hester), 1910-1991 2
Trans World Airlines 2
United States. Army. Forces in China-Burma-India Theater 2
United States. Coast Guard 2
University of Washington 2
Wien, Noel, 1899-1977 2
Aerial Experiment Association 1
Aero Club of America 1
Aero Industries Corporation 1
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America 1
Airservices Company Ltd. 1
Alaska Airlines 1
Alaska-Washington Airways 1
Allen, Edmund Turney, 1896-1943 1
Allen, William M., 1900-1985 1
Allied Engineering Corporation 1
Allied International Company 1
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1
Antietam (Aircraft carrier) 1
Apollo 1 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 10 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 11 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 12 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 13 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 14 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 15 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 16 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 17 (Spacecraft) 1
Apollo 6 (Spacecraft) 1
Argentina. Armada 1
Arkansas (Battleship) 1
Associated Airways 1
Beachey, Lincoln J., 1887-1915 1
Beall, Wellwood Edmeston, 1906-1978 1
Blum, Alan L., 1907-1994 1
Blum, Elizabeth 1
Blum, John R., 1905-1931 1
Boeing Company. Wichita Division 1
Boeing School of Aeronautics (Oakland, Calif.) 1
Boeing, Bertha Marie (Potter Paschall), 1891-1977 1
Boeing, Bill, Jr., 1922-2015 1
Bohrer, Walt 1
Bong, Richard Ira, 1920-1945 1
Borden, John 1
Bowman, Marti 1
Brackin, Harl V. 1
Brazil. Fôrça Aérea Brasileira 1
Brewster 1
Bristol Aeronautics Corporation 1
Browne, Nathan C., 1895-1979 1
Bryn Mawr Air Service 1
Buroker, Herb, 1895-1973 1
Byrd Antarctic Expedition (1st : 1928-1930) 1
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1888-1957 1
Böing, Wilhelm, 1846–1890 1
Caniff, Milton, 1907-1988 1
Capital Airlines 1
Central Airlines 1
Chenango (Ship) 1
Chiang, May-ling Soong, 1897-2003 1
China Airmotive Company Fed. Inc. 1
+ ∧ less

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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