Showing Collections: 31 - 37 of 37
Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: 1985-10-25-A
Contents of the Collection
The collection is comprised of a United Airlines "Air Atlas," July 1962 edition, featuring the airline's service routes on a map of the United States. The "atlas" also includes facts about the formation of landscapes that may be seen by passengers from the aircraft.
1962 July
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2008-07-30
Contents of the Collection
The Peggy Eckert Verger United Airlines Flight Attendant Collection is comprised of photographs and textual materials gathered by Verger during her 36-year flight attendant career with United Airlines (UAL), 1966-2003.The bulk of the collection is textual materials including Verger's UAL service record (1966-1977); financial records, such as paystubs and receipts; employee recognication letters; Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) labor agreements and membership cards; and UAL...
Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: 1991-02-20
Contents of the Collection
This small collection is comprised of brochures, boarding passes, promotions, and motion sickness bags collected from Northwest Airlines and United Airlines flights between 1969 and 1991.
Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2008-08-02-A
Contents of the Collection
The Margaret Walker United Airlines (UAL) Flight Attendant Collection is quite small being comprised of just four (4) items, likely collected by Walker during her time as a flight attendant for UAL, 1980-2001.
The collection contains a 1993 UAL Flight Attendant Appearance and Uniform Standards booklet, an April 1980 Union Update newsletter, a 2001 UAL Business Class dinner menu, and an undated UAL "Special Meals" program guide booklet.
Identifier: 2014-09-12
John Wegg is best known as the founder and editor-in-chief of Airliners and Airways magazines, as well as contributor to other publications and author of 12 books on aviation history, airlines, and aircraft manufacturers. The John Wegg Commercial Airlines Collection consists of about 2.7 cubic feet of material such as printed ephemera, photographs, documents, and other materials pertaining to the Wegg's aviation journalism...
1929-2004; Majority of material found within circa 1950s-1990s
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 1988-06-01-A
Contents of the Collection
The Catherine Wingfield Flight Attendant Collection is a small collection comprised of materials relating to Wingfield’s career as a flight attendant for American Airlines in the late 1930s. The collection includes one photographic portrait (a later reprint of a colorized photograph) of Wingfield in uniform; two logbooks from her routes as a flight attendant, dated 1936-1937 and 1939-1940; and four films. The privately shot films are from 1939 and the early 1940s and contain scenes of...
Identifier: 2004-07-28
William E. Boeing was an aviation pioneer who founded The Boeing Company in 1916. The Peter M. Wood Boeing Family Film Collection contains six films, primarily home movies of Boeing family members, from about 1930-1940.
circa 1930s-1940s