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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Biographical Information Files - M

Individuals whose names begin with M:
MacCready, Paul [Aeronautical designer and engineer]

"A Man for All Reasonings," California Magazine, November 1986

"The Sky's the Limit," The Country Gentleman, Spring 1982

"Masterful Tinkering of Genius," Insight, June 25, 1990

"P.B. MacCready, 81, Inventor, Dies," New York Times, August 31, 2007
MacGilchrist, John [Aviation artist]

Correspondence regarding purchase of art work by MacGilchrist, 1997

"Original Aviation Art Discovery" (brochure of MacGilchrist's work)

"World War I Original Artwork by John MacGilchrist" (catalog describing art work; includes color copies of the paintings)
Machado, Anesia Pinheiro [Dean of world's female flyers, aviatrix]

"The Doyenne of Brazilian Skies," Americas magazine, January-February 1987
Mackay, Donald S. [Pilot]

Two small color photographs of Mackay and Boeing 247
Mackey, Joe [Aerobatic pilot]

"Remember....Joe Mackey and His Taper-Wing?," American Airman, undated
MacReady, John Arthur [Pioneer test pilot]

Folder 1: Biographical sketch

Folder 2: Photograph of MacReady in flight suit
MacWhinnie, Dr. Arthur B. [Pilot, dentist]

Obituaries, January 1978
Magee, John Gillespie, Jr. [World War II fighter pilot, poet]

"High Flyer," Aeroplane Monthly, November 1995

Handwritten poem, "High Flight," and letter (photocopies)


"The Pilot Poet," Airman, September 1985

Article about Magee, unidentified publication, undated
Maitland, Lester G. [U.S. Army pilot]

"Headline Flights," American Heritage History of Flight, undated

Photocopies of photographs of Maitland and his Curtiss R-6 Army Racer
Malan, Sailor [World War II fighter pilot]

"Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII," unidentified publication, undated
Maloney, James E. [Pilot]

"Boeing P-26A," Tam News, 1985
Mamer, Nick B. [Military and commercial pilot]

Folder 1:

"Spokane, Wash., News," Airports and Airways, undated

Photocopies of correspondence from Mamer regarding operations of Mamer Flying Service, 1928-1930

"Mamer's Big Hop 25 Years Old," Spokesman-Review, August 29, 1954

"Seattle Air Liner Crashes; Nine Die," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 11, 1938

Article regarding Mamer, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 26, 1964

"The Flight of the Spokane Sun-God," Air Museum News, May-July 1983

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Mamer in front of Buhl Airsedan, 1928

Photograph of Mamer in front of airplane marked: "National Air Races Spokane Sept. 23-24"

Photocopies of numerous photographs
Mansfield, Harold [Boeing director of public relations]

"Mansfield Told Boeing Saga," Boeing News, August 4, 1989

"Elect Mansfield ACCA Publicity Chairman in West," Aero Digest, May 1, 1945
Mantz, Paul [Stunt pilot]

Photocopy of letter to United Air Service, Inc. regarding organization of company (Paul Mantz, President), August 27, 1935

"Paul Mantz: Kingpin of the Hollywood Air Force! Part II," Air Classics, undated

"Death of a Stunt King," unidentified publication, undated

“Hollywood’s Plane Crasher,” Saturday Evening Post, April 14, 1956
Markham, Beryl [Pilot, author, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"Serengeti Rescue," Air & Space, June/July 1986

"African Queen: Beryl Markham's Plane Truths," Voice Literary Supplement, June 1984

Promotional letters from North Point Press

"A Life of Adventure Rediscovered," Herald Tribune, June 16, 1983

"From Africa to Nova Scotia: Adventures of an Aviatrix," Washington Post Book World, July 24, 1983

Book reviews, numerous publications, 1983

Obituaries, 1986

Folder 2:

Seven black-and-white photographs, many from North Point Press
Maroney, Terah T. [Pioneer Northwest pilot]

Folder 1:

Handwritten biographical notes

Typed portions of articles about Maroney from the Seattle Times, May 1916

"Terah T. Maroney," Montana and the Sky, pages 67-71 (2 copies)

"Boeing Founder's First Flight Pilot: Terah T. Maroney," HeraldNet, July 3, 2014

Folder 2:

Photocopies of photographs of Maroney from Montana Historical Society (annotated)

Folder 3:

Photographs from Montana Historical Society (on compact disk)

Print photographs of Mahoney and airplanes (marked: Montana Historical Society)

Photographs of Mahoney (marked: Boeing Archives)
Marquez, Leo [U.S. Air Force general]

Biography of Marquez from United States Air Force, 1983

Agenda for visit of Marquez to Boeing Company and Museum of Flight, 1986
Marsalis, Frances [Endurance pilot, aviatrix]

"Women Endurance Flyers," no source, August 23, 1932
Marsh, Louis S. [Boeing mechanical engineer]

Folder 1:

Correspondence from W.E. Boeing to Marsh regarding stock in the company, 1926, 1928

Correspondence between Marsh and the United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Foreign and Domestic, Ocean, and Air Mail Contracts, 1933-1934. The correspondence is concerns Boeing stock owned by Marsh.

Telegrams from Boeing regarding Marsh's retirement, 1946

"Marsh Retires After 28 Years Boeing Service," no source, December, 1945

"20-Year-Man-Marsh," Boeing News, May 1937

Photocopy of photograph of Monomail

Folder 2:

"Boeing Clipper Lands at Azores on First Flight to Europe," Seattle Star, March 27, 1939

Photocopies of Boeing News with articles about Marsh, April 1940, July 1941, January 1944

"Local Red Cross Report Reveals Lots of Sewing," no source, 1943

"Local Workers Make Hundreds of Needed Items," no source, undated

"Kirkland Benefactor Louis S. Marsh Dies," The Kirkland Courier, April 30-May 6, 1980

Folder 3:

Photocopies of notes and drawings regarding Louis Marsh Memorial

"Louie Marsh--Man of Metal." Typed drafts of story for Air Museum News, 1980

"Louis S. Marsh, Man of Metal," Air Museum News, January 1981

Photocopies of photographs of Marsh

Folder 4:

Photographs of Marsh
Marshall, Christopher Lee [Ten-year-old pilot]

Newspaper articles about ten-year-old pilot who set a record for cross-country flight, 1987
Marshall, Colin M. [British Airways executive]

"Former Avis Chief at British Airways," New York Times, January 17, 1983
Marshall, George C. [American soldier and statesman]

"Where Does General Marshall Stand on Air Power?," Flying, December 1950

Biographical sketch
Marshall, Joe [Pilot]

Black-and-white photograph of aviation cadet, 1932
Martenson, Carroll Mooney [Bell Aircraft executive]

Obituary notices, 2000
Martin, Clarence L. [U.S. pilot who flew with the Royal Air Force in World War II]

"An American Eagle in W.W.II," Seattle Times, February 24, 1980
Martin, Edith [Boeing Company executive]

"High-Tech Chief Strives to Keep Boeing's Lead in Aircraft Electronics," Seattle Times, April 15, 1991
Martin, Frederick Leroy [U.S. Army Commanding General who also commanded the 1924 round-the-world flight]

Short biographical note from New Century Cyclopedia of Names
Martin, George C. [Boeing Company Vice President of Engineering]

Folder 1:

Pathfinder Award Nominees, undated

Photocopies of photographs of Martin

Folder 1:

Black-and-white photograph of Martin
Martin, Glenn Luther [Aero designer, pioneer pilot]

Folder 1:

"Glenn L. Martin," The Aeroplane, December 9, 1955

"Glenn Luther Martin," The Aeroplane, December 23, 1955

Biographical sketch

Biography from The Glenn L. Martin Company, undated

"Glenn L. Martin, Aviation Pioneer," Parker's Gazette, undated

"Glenn Luther Martin," Pioneering in Aeronautics (Guggenheim Medal Recipients, 1929-1952)

"Glenn L. Martin," U.S. Air Services, December 1955

"Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Boats," Air Classics, February 1974

"Wings to the Orient," FAA Aviation News, June 1970

"Pioneer Pilots," Los Angeles Times, March 23, 1986

"The Daring Young Men in the Flying Machine," True magazine, November 1956

Obituaries, 1955

Newspaper article citations regarding Martin,, 2007

Photocopies of photographs of Martin

Folder 2:

Carbon copy of manuscript by Henry Still about Martin, sent to William B. Harwood
Martin, William Knox [Pilot]

Two photographs of Knox and the Boeing B & W in the Red Barn, 1916.
Masefield, Peter [British test pilot]

"Total Aviation Man," Flight International, February 24, 1972
Mason, Kurt [Aviation instructor]

"Breaking News: Aviation Instructor Kurt Mason Passes Away," The Clipper, January 29, 2010
Mason, Sammy [Lockheed Corporation test pilot]

Short biographical sketch

"Sammy Mason and 'Checkers' A 450-JATO Stearman," Sport Aviation, August 1968

"Aerobatic Skill as Insurance," AOPA Pilot, January 1964
Matheson, Robert [Pilot]

Information regarding Matheson's 1946 Fairchild 24 Monoplane
Mathews, Doc [Model airplane enthusiast]

Small black-and-white photograph of Mathews holding model airplane, 1981
Mattern, James Joseph [Pilot]

Folder 1:

Hand-written biography (4 pages), undated

"Aeronautics; Flights & Flyers," Time, July 18, 1932

Captioned photographs of Mattern from different newspapers

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Russian floatplane that flew Mattern back from crash in Siberia, 1933
Matteson, Clyde (U.S. Marine Corps pilot]

Folder 1: Photocopies of photographs of Matteson, 1924

Folder 1: Six (6) small, black-and-white photographs of Matteson and others
Matthews, Marie Lockhart [Northwest aviation pioneer, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

Correspondence with Museum of Flight, 1989-1991

Typewritten biographical sketch published in A History of Aviation in Idaho, 1940-1970

Photocopies of black-and-white photographs with captions

Folder 2:

Five (5) small black-and-white photographs of Matthews and Twin Falls airport, 1940s
Mauldin, Willim H. "Bill" [World War II cartoonist]

"Our Interesting Members: Bill Mauldin," AOPA Pilot, February 1968

"My Confrontation with General Patton," by Bill Maudlin, no source, undated
Maxwell, Frank [B-29 bombardier, film and television actor]

"Frank Maxwell, AFTRA Giant Dies at 87, AFTRA newsletter (?), Fall/Winter 2004-2005
May, Amos Roy [B-17 radio operator-gunner]

Photocopies of May's service records

"Amos Roy May, 1923-2013: WWII Recollections" (44-page typescript)

"Pull Up, Pull Up, Pull Up...But It Was Already Too Late....And Thus, Roy May's Story Begins." Account of his service in World War II with textual narrative, photographs, and newspaper clippings (9 pages)
May, Wesley [Pilot]

Black-and-white photograph of May and Earl Daugherty, 1921
May, Wilfrid Reid [Canadian aviator]

"W.R. May, 1896-1952," no source, undated
Mayer, Bette Ann [Pilot, aviatrix]

"She'll Try for Transport License," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 19, 1935
Mayo, R. H. [British pilot and aeronautical engineer]

Obituary, Flight magazine, March 8, 1957
Mayse, Charley [Arizona aviator]

"Airplane Facotry Here," Arkansas City Daily Traveler, September 7, 1921

"Charles W. Mayse," David-Monthan Aviation Field Register, retrieved May 25, 2023

"The Man Who Lived to Fly: The Story of Charley Mayse — Arizona Pioneer Aviator," Journal of Arizona History, Winter 1974
McAllister, Charles D. [Aviation pioneer, pilot, flying instructor]

Folder 1:

"The History of Yakima Flight: McAllister Museum," Yakima Magazine, January/February 2015

"Charlie McAllister and Friends Museum of Flight Visit," Museum of Flight News Release, August 24, 1988

Nomination Paper for the Pathfinder Award, 1992

Obituaries from various newspapers, November 1998

Numerous newspaper articles about McAllister during his long history as an aviator, 1976-1998

Folder 2:

"Charles D. McAllister, 1903-1998, Pacific Northwest Soaring Pioneer," Towline, January 1999

Obituaries from various newspapers, November 1998

"Glider Finds a New Home," Yakima Herald Republic, September 11, 1990

Numerous newspaper articles about McAllister, 1976-1998

Folder 3:

Photograph of McAllister with Yakima Clipper
McAusland, Sandy [Pilot and mechanical engineer]

Obituary, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, November 7, 2004
McAvoy, Bill [Test Pilot]

"Test Pilot," by Walt Boyne, no source, undated
McCampbell, David [U.S. Navy ace pilot]

Folder 1: "Luck of the Irish," Air Classics, undated

Folder 2: Black-and-white photograph of McCampbell in cockpit
McCandless II, Bruce [U.S. Astronaut]

NASA color photograph
McCaw, Bruce Craig [Chair, McCaw Cellular Communications]

"British Telecom Has Stake in McCaw," Seattle Times, January 19, 1989

"Craig McCaw's High-Risk Empire," Business Week, December 5, 1988
McClaine, Maude [First licensed female pilot in Washington, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

"Spokane Has Washington Aviatrix No. 1," Spokane newspaper, undated

Photocopy of McClaine's pilot's license, April 1, 1930

"The Maude McClaine Collection," Eagle Auction Company, 1979 (auction catalog)

Miscellaneous notes

Photocopies of photographs

Folder 2:

Autographed photograph, 1929

Photograph of McClaine in cockpit and colorized photocopy of the same image
McCurdy, John Alexander Douglas [Pioneer airman]

Biographical sketch

Obituary, no source, 1961

"History's Forgotten Flier," Flying, August 1954
McDonnell, James S. [Aeronautical engineer, Chairman of McDonnell Douglas Corporation]

Short biographical sketch
McGoldrick, James [Aviation writer]

Letter regarding McGoldrick's book on early aviation in Spokane (photocopy)
McGuire, Mickey [Pilot]

Photocopy of photograph labeled: "Mickey McGuire, The Wild Irish Rose of the Sky"
McInerny, John [Torpedo bomber pilot]

Sketch and drawings about McInerny; on reverse is similar article about Donald Kirkpatrick, no source, undated
McKenna, Tom [Aerobatic pilot]

"At 75, Veteran Aerobatic Pilot's Spirits Are Soaring," no source, February 1984
McKibbin, Bruce H. [Docent, Museum of Flight]

Obituary, Seattle Times, June 21, 2015
McLean, Gordon "Scotch" [U.S. Navy pilot]

"A 1926 Bi-Plane Dream: 'Home is the Sailor, Home from the Sea,'" Whidbey News-Times, January 8, 1976
McMillan, Peter [Pilot]

Publicity photograph of McMillan and Lang Kidby advertising McMillan's book, The Greatest Flight
McNabb, Betty [Pilot, aviatrix]

"Sky Isn't the Limit for this 73-Year-Old Woman," St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 13, 1982
McNaughton, Stanley [Board member, The Museum of Flight]

"Longtime Pemco Chief, 76, Beloved by Workers," Seattle Times, January 20, 1998

Letter to Museum of Flight Staff regarding McNaughton's contributions to the Museum
McNown, Russell J. [Pilot]

Three (3), small black-and-white photographs of U.S. Mail truck and Northwest Airways airplane, 1930 (verso has stamp regarding North-West Airways first U.S. Air Mail Flight, Rock River Route, March 8, 1930)
McWhorter, Richard [Pilot, airplane restorer]

Specifications for 1929 Stearman C-3R Biplane

"Farmer Gets Biplane Parts From Wreck in Mountains," Tri-City Herald, May 30, 1965
Mead, Margaret [Pilot, aviatrix]

"Ordeal in the Sky," AOPA Pilot, July 1973
Meany, Mitch [Pilot, airplane restorer]

Folder 1:

Specifications for 1941 Waco UPF-7

Correspondence regarding Renton Aviation Festival, 1965

Folder 2: Color photograph of his Waco biplane
Mecklem, L. G. [Balloon rider]

"The Early Days of Flight," by L. G. Mecklem, Air Line Pilot, January 1975

Correspondence from Bellingham Chamber of Commerce about early aviation with photocopy of photograph of balloon, 1965

"His Daredevil Aerial Feats Thrilled Seattle Residents 49 Years Ago," Seattle Times, June 23, 1957

"Everson Man Recalls Early Ballooning Days," Bellingham Herald, May 8, 1963
Meeker, Ezra [Pacific Northwest pioneer]

Folder 1:

Postcard with photograph of Meeker's homestead, Puyallup, WA

Ezra Meeker: A Brief Resume of His Life and Adventures, Meeker Historical Society, 1972 (pamphlet)

"Group Seeks to Save Historic Meeker House in Puyallup," Seattle Times, September 6, 1970

Ezra Meeker - Pioneer; A Bibliographical Guide, Washington State Historical Society, 1969

Folder 2:

Three (3), small black-and-white photographs of Meeker in cockpit of mailplane, 1924
Mellberg, William F. [Aviation writer]

Letter to the Museum of Flight and information sheet regarding his book, Famous Airliners
Merchant, William A. [World War II pilot]

Folder 1:

Articles regarding Merchant and other Wichita men during World War II, possibly from the Wichita Eagle, 194?-1944

Folder 2:

Portrait of Merchant

Small black-and-white photograph of crew at nose of A-20 Havoc
Merrill, A. Elliott [Boeing test pilot and company manager]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch for the Washington State OX5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame, undated

"Air Force Honors Former Boeing Test Pilot Merrill," Boeing News, November 24, 1982

"Test Pilot Must be Scientist and Engineer, Too," Seattle Times, December 8, 1946

"Soaring with City's 'No. One Flyer,'" Beacon Hill News, March 14, 1979

"'It Had Absolutely Disintegrated!,'" Seattle Times, February 27, 1977

Brief, handwritten biographical sketch

Obituaries, April 1992

Folder 2:

"Elliott Merrill--Record-Breaking Test Pilot," Western Flyer, May 1977

"40 Years Later: Fliers Sidelined," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 16, 1966

"2 Test Pilots At Boeing's [sic] Given Honor," no source, January 23, 1946

"Elliott Merrill and General Aviation--A 50-Year Love Affair," Seattle Business, July 1978

Award of Appreciation to Merrill from the Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation, undated

"B-29s Do Nip-Ups Over Nippon, Say Returned Test Engineers," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 25, 1945

"Six Men 'Chute To Safety From Boeing Bomber," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 14, 1943

List of photographs and photocopies of a few photographs

Folder 3:

Two negatives

Photograph of Elliott and another man next to an airplane marked Washington Aircraft Transport Corp.

Photograph of Boeing XC-97 Stratofreighter with Merrill and crew

Photograph of Merrill and dignataries deplaning from Boeing XC-97 Stratofreighter, November 9, 1945

Photograph of Merrill in flight gear standing next to Zenith airplane, circa 1935

Photocopy of portrait photograph of Merrill

Photograph of Merrill and crew by B-29 (#46), August 1944

Color photograph of Merrill at desk
Merrill, Albert A. [Aviation pioneer]

"A.A. Merrill, Pioneer Air Expert, Dies," no source, June 3, 1952

"Wind Tunnel Dedicated in Ceremony at Caltech," Los Angeles Times, September 1, 1950
Merrill, Henry T. [Eastern Air Lines pilot]

"Capt. Henry T. 'Dick' Merrill, 1894-1982," Air Line Pilot, January 1983
Merrill, Mildred F. [Pilot, aviatrix]

Folder 1:

Newspaper photograph, no source, undated


Biographical sketch

Folder 2:

Photograph of four female pilots
Messerschmitt, Willi E. [German aeronautical engineer]

Biographical sketch

"Willy Messerschmitt is Alive and Well in Arizona," Air Progress, undated

"Designer of Messerschmitt Plane Dies," no source, September 15, 1978
Meyer, John Warren [Pilot]

Photocopies of pilot's log, 1940-1941

Photocopy of photograph of Boeing 247

Photocopy of identification card, 1940
Meyers, Bruce [Parachutist]

Folder 1:

Handwritten notes about parachute jumping

Photocopies of photographs

Photocopies of pages from Uniforms of the Elite Forces

Folder 2:

Photographs of "First Off-Carrier Reconnaissance Parachute Jump in Naval History," U.S.S. Bennington, July 26, 1956

Photographs of airplanes
Meyers, Charles W. [Pilot]

"The Legendary Meyers and His Mighty Midget," Air Progress, November 1968
Michael, Marvin [Boeing engineer and experimental test pilot]

Biographical sketch and related biographical notes

Working copies of two chapters: "The Caterpillar Club" and "Eddie Allen: 'The World's Greatest Test Pilot'" written by Michael

Photocopy of title page of book by Michael, A Passion For Flying
Mikoyan, A. I. [Soviet aircraft designer]

Photocopy of photograph
Mikulin, A. A. [Soviet aviation engine designer]

Photocopy of photograph
Milanoski, Alex [Pilot]

Photocopies of photographs

Photocopies of Copartnership Agreement between Alexander Riaboff, Alexander Milanoski, and Konstantin Averkieff for Seattle Airways Company, 1924
Miles, George [Aircraft designer]

Obituary, no source, (1999?)
Miles, Lee [Chief pilot, Stinson-California]

"Personalities," Aero Digest, March 1932
Miller, Bernetta [Pilot, aviatrix]

Photocopy of photograph
Miller, Douglas [Airport manager, Boeing Field]

Folder 1:

Standard Oil Fledgling Certificate, 1929

Correspondence, 1933

Folder 2:

Photographs and one negative of Miller and others and aircraft

Photographs of Boeing Field, 1934

Folder 3:

Copies of photographs in Folder 2
Miller, Heber [Pilot]

Biographical sketch
Miller, Lester T. [Command and balloon pilot]

Biographical sketch
Miller, Roger and Ramona [DC-9 pilots]

"Husband-Wife Pilots Handle DC-9 Cockpit Roles," no source, August 7, 1981
Milleson, Ralph [U.S. Navy Corsair pilot]

"Old Times: "Ex-Pilot Reunited With Navy Plane He Rode Into the Drink," Seattle Times, August 13, 1983

"Pilot, Reunited with Old Pal, Recalls Their Wild Adventure," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 13, 1983

"Lake Yields WWII Fighter Plane After 33 Years," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 12, 1983
Milligan, George E. [Founder of Mercy Flights]

Correspondence and other documents regarding Milligan and Mercy Flights, 1961, 1985
Milling, Thomas DeWitt [Early pilot and military aviator]

Biographical sketch
Mills, Steve [Pilot?]

Photocopy of photograph
Miner, Kay J. [Mechanical engineer and glider pilot]

"Kay Miner, Mechanical Engineer Who Soared as Glider Instructor," Seattle Times, July 31, 1997

Obituary notices

Memorial service program

"A Bridge Between Two Worlds," The Retired Officer, December 1988

"The Face on the Panel" by Miner (typescript)
Minnerly, W. H. "Turk" [Early aviator]

Photocopies of newspaper articles about Minnerly and others, circa 1913-1915

Photocopies of photographs of early aviation
Minshall, R. J. [Boeing engineer]

Photocopy of photograph of Boeing engineers

"New Plane is a Bird," no source, June 23, 1928 (about Boeing's Model 83)
Miranda, Lt. Karina [Pilot in Chilean Air Force, aviatrix]

Biographical note
Mitcham, Grady L. [Boeing Lunar System Manager]

Photocopies of three press releases, circa 1964.

Photocopies of two photographs of Mitcham.
Mitchell, Reginald Joseph [Chief Designer, Supermarine]

"R.J. Mitchell--His Life and Work," no source, undated

"Supermarine's Super Designer R.J. Mitchell," Aviation History, September 1995
Mitchell, William E. "Billy" [Father of the United States Air Force]

Folder 1:

"Warrior, Prophet, Martyr," Air Force Magazine, September 1985

"The Airplane in National Defense," by Mitchell, Aero Digest, December 15, 1945

Biographical sketch

"Billy Mitchell's Overt Act," by William Sanders. In Alternate Generals, 1998

Photocopy of photograph of Mitchell in the Philippines

Folder 2:

Three (3) black-and-white photographs of Mitchell
Mock, Jerrie [First woman to fly solo around the world, aviatrix]

"Honoring Jerrie Mock," General Aviation News, May 10, 2013

"A Gypsy Life for Her Since '64 Solo Feat," Seattle Times, April 16, 1984

"'It Was About Time a Woman Did It...," no source, undated

Advertisements from various magazines featuring Mock
Moen, Don [Builder, Museum of Flight]

Folder 1: "The Builder: Don Moen Takes Pride in '100-Year Building,'" Yakima Herald, January 14, 1990

Folder 2: Photograph of Moen
Moffett, William A. [Father of U.S. Naval Aviation]

Folder 1:

"Admiral Moffett Reappointed," no source, undated

Newspaper clipping of photograph of Beverly Moffett, Admiral's daughter

"Sailing Into the Sky," Sea Power, June 1990

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Moffett, autographed
Moisant, John Bevins [Early aviator]

"King of the Aviators," Air Force Magazine, August 1960
Moisant, Mathilde [Early aviator, aviatrix]

Photocopy of photograph of Moisant
Molitor, George Only includes a note to see Molitor Collection for photographs
Mollison, James Allan [Scottish pioneer aviator]

"The Speed Seekers," Aeroplane Monthly, June 1991

"Mollison's Atlantic Flight," Flight, August 26, 1932

"Mollison: 'Best Since Lindbergh,'" The Literary Digest, September 3, 1932

Numerous newspaper clippings regarding Mollison and his flights, 1932-1933
Monroe, Rose [Airplane riveter]

"'Rosie the Riveter' of WWII Fame Dies at 77," Seattle Times, June 2, 1997

"Famed Riveter in War Effort, Rose Monroe, Dies at 77," New York Times, June 2, 1997
Montee, Kenneth [Airplane designer and pilot]

"Kenneth Montee, Aeronautical Pioneer," Sport Flying, September 1968
Monteith, Charles N. [Boeing vice president and chief engineer]

Folder 1:

Boeing biography (typescript)

"Introducing...," Boeing News, October 1930

Short articles from Boeing News about Monteith

Announcement regarding May meeting of The Society of Automotive Engineers featuring Monteith, "This Airplane Business--What We Have and What We Lack," May 1936

Photocopies of Boeing photographs of Monteith and others

Sheet identifying photographs and listing articles about Monteith in Boeing News

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Monteith
Montgolfier, Joseph and Etienne [18th-century hot-air balloon inventors]

Biographical sketch
Montgomery, David C. [History professor]

Correspondence with Museum of Flight curator, 2014

Information regarding paper at Turkish Symposium, circa 2011 (in Turkish)

"Friends and Informers," by Montgomery (typescript of preliminary draft)

Two-page printout of July 27, 2021 obituary appearing in the Daily Herald, Provo, Utah.
Montgomery, John J [Glider pioneer]

Biographical sketch
Morgan, Len [Collector of aviation memorabilia]

List of Morgan's collection after his death, 2005
Morgan, Robert [Pilot]

Folder 1:

"Memphis Belle Pilot Survived the War, But Romance Didn't," no source, 1991?

Folder 2:

Two (2) color photographs of Morgan, pilot of The Memphis Belle
Morlas, Ruth [Boeing aerodynamicist, pilot, aviatrix]

Short biographical notes
Morrison, Edward Henry [Army Air Service pilot]

Folder 1: [oversize]

Correspondence with Museum of Flight regarding materials, 1998

Obituary of Jay Morrison, Boeing executive and brother of Edward

Detailed log of first dawn-to-dusk flight, Los Angeles to Seattle, July 1923 (photocopy)

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Morrison
Morrow-Tait, Richarda [First woman pilot to fly around the world, aviatrix]

Section regarding Morrow-Tait's flight in Around-the-World Flights by Patrick Stinson (pages185-187)
Mosley, C. C. [Fighter pilot and aviation executive]

Folder 1:

"Where Do We Go From Here?," by C.C. Mosley, Aero Digest, June 15, 1945

Folder 2:

Black-and-white photograph of Mosley with Billy Mitchell
Moss, Jim [Aerobatic pilot]

"Tacoman Hurt in Plane Crash," Seattle Times, August 14, 1966

Captioned photographs of Moss' aerobatic accident, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 16, 1966
Mott, Charlie [World War II fighter pilot]

"Another Tiger Down," Flight Journal, December 2004
Mountbatten, Louis [British naval commander]

"Mountbatten's Visit to the Pacific Fleet, 22-30 September 1941," The Hook, Spring 1995
Mozshaiskiy, A. F. [Russian aircraft designer]

Photocopy of photograph of Mozshaiskiy
Mucklestone, Robert [Record-setting pilot]

"Around the World with Mucklestone," The Circuit Rider, undated

Photocopies of photographs of Boeing Model 100 with pilot and other people

"Gray Flannel Adventure," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, September 18, 1978

"A Solo Aim--The World in A Week," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 18, 1978

"Globe Trotter Aviator Soars Past the Record," Seattle Times, May 27, 1978

"World-Circling Record Set," Seattle Times, September 4, 1975

Additional newspaper clippings from Seattle Times regarding 1975 flight
Mueller, Rudy [Airport owner]

Folder 1:

Photocopies of photographs of the Tacoma Flying Service, Rudy Mueller, and car races

Documents and correspondence relating to the Mueller-Harkins Airport Corporation, Tacoma, 1922-1929

"Flying Over The Two-By-Fours...Of Tacoma's Board Speedway," The Olympian, May 25, 1975

"Tacoma's Flying Start," Tacoma News Tribune, December 7, 1980

Folder 2:

Documents and correspondence relating to Mueller-Harkins Airport and Washington Air College, 1931-1938

"It Wasn't Easy Landing Airport," Tacoma News Tribune, undated

"'Learn to Fly' Program Sent Tacoma Collegians Skyward," no source, undated

Photocopies of photographs of Washington Air College, Mueller-Harkins Airport, airplanes, pilots

Folder 3:

Newspaper articles and correspondence regarding Mueller-Harkins Airport, 1940-1947

Brochure about Bell Airacobra (photocopy)
Mulron, Brian [Model airplane builder]

"A Plastic Air Force All His Own," Journal American, April 12, 1982
Munn, Marjorie F. [pilot, Women Airforce Service Pilots]

“She Flew With Women Warbirds,” complete third section from the March 28, 1969, Seattle Post-Intelligencer with a two-column article on her WASP service and her family.
Munro, Robert B. [Pilot, founder of Kenmore Air Harbor]

Obituary, Seattle Times, November 1, 2000
Munter, Herb Adrian, Jr. [Pioneering pilot in Pacific Northwest]

Folder 1:

Biographical sketch

Memorandum regarding Munter nomination for flying award, undated

"Munter's Field at Kent," Seattle Times, undated (typescript of article)

Text of telegram regarding Munter flying B
Murdock, Marcellus M. [Pilot]

"Our Interesting Members: Marcellus M. Murdock," The AOPA Pilot, May 1969
Murphy, Mike [Stunt pilot and aviator]

"Personalities," Aero Digest, November 1937
Murray, George D. [U.S. Navy pilot and commander]

"Commander Task Force: Rear Admiral George D. Murray," no source, undated
Murrow, Lacy Van Burion [Aviation pioneer]

1989 Pathfinder nomination and supporting articles
Musick, Edwin C. [Pilot of China Clipper]

"Vapek Exhibit Recalls Pam Am China Clipper Era, Pilot Musick's Heroics," (news release), undated

Program for Trophy Dinner for The Musick Memorial Award, 1940
Mutke, Guido [Luftwaffe pilot]

Information regarding emergency landing of a Me262 by Mutke, 1945
Myers, John W. [Civilian test pilot]

"John Myers, Civilian Test Pilot, Dies at 96," New York Times, February 10, 2008

"John W. Myers, 96: WWII Test Pilot," Los Angeles Times, February 2, 2008


  • 20th Century

Language of Materials

All materials are in English.

Conditiona Governing Access

This collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 36 Cubic Feet (Three four-drawer lateral file cabinets)

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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