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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 23

John and Alan Blum Northwest Aviation Collection

Identifier: 2009-09-04

The John and Alan Blum Northwest Aviation Collection consists of visual and textual materials related to the lives and careers of John and Alan Blum. John founded the Northwest Air Service Company and Alan served as President after his brother died in a plane crash in 1931.

Dates: 1921-1945

William E. Boeing Sr. Papers

Identifier: 2005-10-06-B

William E. Boeing, Sr. (1881-1956) was an aviation pioneer and founded The Boeing Company in 1916. The collection holds textual materials, such as correspondence, philately, business-related materials, clippings, and ephemera, as well as photographs and illustrations related to his personal and business life, circa 1783-2008. Major areas of interest include family photographs and extensive personal and business-related correspondence.

Dates: circa 1783-2008; Majority of material found within 1900s-1930s

Clarence A. Borley U.S. Naval Aviation Collection

Identifier: 2022-07-20

Clarence A. Borley (1924-2019) was a U.S. Navy fighter pilot and ace. The collection documents Borley's 36-year military career as a pilot and fighter ace in the U.S. Navy and consists of textual, visual and audiovisual materials and primarily dates from 1942 to 1968, with some later dates and a small amount of personal materials.

Dates: 1942-1999, 2015; Majority of material found within 1942-1968

Emile Chourré and Chourré Family Papers

Identifier: 2015-06-17

The Emile Chourré and Chourré Family Papers is comprised of documents and scrapbooks, photographic prints and photograph albums, and assorted ephemera primarily pertaining to the life and military career of Lieutenant Commander Emile Chourré (1894-1938). Major topics include Chourré's military service, especially while stationed in Coco Solo, Panama; his service as a U.S. Naval announcer for the 1929-1931 and 1933-1934 National Air Races; and family (immediate and extended) photographs.

Dates: 1889-1988; Majority of material found within 1920s-1950s

The James H. Dilonardo Collection

Identifier: 2006-01-21

James H. Dilonardo was a local aviation enthusiast strongly tied to Boeing Field and The Museum of Flight. His collection consits of photographs, textual materials, sound recordings, and film largely related to aviation in Seattle, Washington and the Pacific Northwest.

Dates: 1930-1981

Rolfe W. Eckmann Naval Aviation Collection

 Collection — Box: one
Identifier: 2021-09-17
Content Description The Rolfe W. Eckmann Naval Aviation Collection consists of textual and visual materials that document Eckmann's service with the U.S. Navy and Naval Station Puget Sound in Washington, commonly known as Sand Point, with materials ranging from the 1940s through 2010s.Eckmann's career as a U.S. Naval transport pilot is represented with four logbooks dating from 1942-1967. A few documents originally enclosed in the logs include a memo designating Eckmann as a Transport Plane Commander,...
Dates: 1942-2018

Alfred Goldberg Photograph Collection

Identifier: 2007-06-11
Contents of the Collection The Alfred Goldberg Photograph Collection contains photographs and a small number of textual materials that mostly pertain to aircraft construction and maintenance in the 1940s-1950s. It is likely the photographs were collected by Goldberg during his career at Bedek Aviation Company in an unknown position and as Superintendent of Maintenance at Flying Tiger Line. The collection has been broken down into two series: Photographs and Textual materials, which are both arranged alphabetically....
Dates: 1929-1992, undated; Majority of material found within 1940-1959

James D. Griffin Photograph Collection

Identifier: 2015-08-25

James D. Griffin was an engineer for McDonnell Douglas Corporation. The collection contains five hundred and ninety-six (596) photographs, likely collected and notated by Griffin, featuring primarily Douglas Aircraft Company airplanes manufactured during the 1910s-1970s but also, to a lesser extent, other manufacturer models; including Aero Spacelines, Boeing, Consolidated, and Northrop. There is also a small amount of clippings, newsletters, and articles.

Dates: circa 1910s-1970s; Majority of material found within ( dates 1920s-1950s)

Calvin H. and Yun Yau Kam Papers

Identifier: 2017-03-24

Yun Yau Kam served in the U.S. Army for 19 years and was the father of Calvin H. Kam. Calvin H. Kam was born in Hawaii and enlisted in 1969, completing flight school in 1970. The collection contains military documents, photographs, and slides relating to the military service of Calvin H. Kam during Vietnam and photographs and clippings related to his father's, Yun Yau Kam, service during World War II and the Korean War.

Dates: circa 1940s-1970s (bulk dates 1970s); Majority of material found within 1970 - 1979

Julius Christian Harland Knauss Collection

Identifier: 1987-03-30-B

Julius Christian Harland Knauss (1898-1986) served in the U.S. Navy during World War I at the Seattle (Wash.) Naval Training Camp. The collection contains material relating to the camp.

Dates: circa 1918-1959; Majority of material found in 1918

Filtered By

  • Names: United States. Navy X
  • Subject: clippings (information artifacts) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

World War, 1939-1945 15
printed ephemera 12
Air pilots, Military 10
correspondence 10
logs (records) 10
∨ more
military records 10
certificates 9
Washington (State) 7
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Area 7
aerial photographs 6
photograph albums 6
Aircraft accidents 5
Airplanes, Military 5
California 5
Seaplanes 5
Shanghai (China) 5
Soldiers 5
identity cards 5
negatives (photographs) 5
newsletters 5
scrapbooks 5
8mm (photographic film size) 4
Airplanes -- Design and construction 4
Alaska 4
China 4
Hawaii 4
Japan 4
Northwest, Pacific 4
Seattle (Wash.) 4
Women in aeronautics 4
maps (documents) 4
photocopies 4
16mm (photographic film size) 3
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Family 3
Boeing B-17 Model 299 Flying Fortress ("XB-17") 3
Boeing B-29 Superfortress 3
Boeing P-12 Family 3
Consolidated B-24 Liberator Family 3
Douglas C-54 Skymaster 3
Douglas DC-2 Family 3
Douglas DC-3 Family 3
Grumman F6F Hellcat Family 3
Hong Kong (China) 3
Korean War, 1950-1953 3
Los Angeles (Calif.) 3
Military education 3
Military training camps 3
North American P-51 Mustang Family 3
Okinawa Island (Japan) 3
Ships 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
photographic postcards 3
slides (photographs) 3
Aces (Fighter pilots) 2
Aeronautics, Commercial 2
Air shows 2
Aircraft cabins 2
Aircraft carriers 2
Airlines 2
Airplane racing 2
Airplanes -- Cockpits 2
Airplanes -- Flight testing 2
Airships 2
Aviation ground crews 2
Biplanes 2
Boats and boating 2
Boeing B & W (Boeing & Westervelt) (Model 1) 2
Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress 2
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Family (Model 345) 2
Boeing B-47 Stratojet Family (Model 450) 2
Boeing Model 377 Stratocruiser Family 2
Boeing Model 80A 2
Boeing XB-15 (Model 294, XBLR-1) 2
Cuba 2
Curtiss C-46 Commando Family 2
Douglas AD (A-1, BT2D) Skyraider Family 2
Douglas B-18 Family 2
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Family 2
Douglas DC-1 2
Douglas DC-4 Experimental (DC-4E) 2
Douglas Dolphin Family 2
Douglas SBD Dauntless Family 2
Douglas X-3 Stiletto 2
Fighter pilots 2
Flight attendants 2
Flight training 2
Grumman F3F Family 2
Grumman F7F Tigercat Family 2
Guam 2
Helicopters 2
Manila (Philippines) 2
Mexico 2
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi (Tex.) 2
Naval Station Puget Sound (Wash.) 2
Naval aviation 2
North American AT-6 Texan Family 2
Northrop A-17 (8A) Nomad 2
Northrop Beta 3 2
+ ∧ less
Chinese 2
German 2
Arabic 1
French 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
United States. Air Force 7
United States. Army 4
United States. Army Air Forces 4
Boeing 3
Boeing, William Edward, 1881-1956 3
∨ more
Douglas Aircraft Company 3
North American 3
United States. Army. Air Corps 3
United States. Marine Corps 3
United States. Naval Reserve 3
Boeing Company 2
Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958 2
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975 2
Douglas, Donald Wills, Sr., 1892-1981 2
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 2
Graf Zeppelin (Airship) 2
Hubbard, Edward, 1889-1928 2
King County International Airport 2
Munter, Herbert, 1894-1970 2
National Championship Air Races 2
Stenzel, Dorothy (Hester), 1910-1991 2
United Airlines 2
United States. Army. Air Service 2
United States. Army. Women's Army Corps 2
University of Washington 2
Wien, Noel, 1899-1977 2
Aero Club of America 1
Aero Industries Corporation 1
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America 1
Airservices Company Ltd. 1
Akron (Airship) 1
Alaska Airlines 1
Alaska-Washington Airways 1
Allen, Edmund Turney, 1896-1943 1
Allen, William M., 1900-1985 1
Allied Engineering Corporation 1
Allied International Company 1
American Fighter Aces Association 1
Antietam (Aircraft carrier) 1
Argentina. Armada 1
Arkansas (Battleship) 1
Associated Airways 1
Associated Women Pilots of Boeing Field 1
Beall, Wellwood Edmeston, 1906-1978 1
Blum, Alan L., 1907-1994 1
Blum, Elizabeth 1
Blum, John R., 1905-1931 1
Boeing Company. Wichita Division 1
Boeing, Bertha Marie (Potter Paschall), 1891-1977 1
Boeing, Bill, Jr., 1922-2015 1
Bohrer, Walt 1
Borden, John 1
Bowman, Marti 1
Brackin, Harl V. 1
Brazil. Fôrça Aérea Brasileira 1
Bristol Aeronautics Corporation 1
Browne, Nathan C., 1895-1979 1
Bryn Mawr Air Service 1
Buroker, Herb, 1895-1973 1
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1888-1957 1
Böing, Wilhelm, 1846–1890 1
Caniff, Milton, 1907-1988 1
Central Airlines 1
Chenango (Ship) 1
Chiang, May-ling Soong, 1897-2003 1
China Airmotive Company Fed. Inc. 1
China National Aviation Corporation 1
Chourre (ARV-1) 1
Chourré, Catherine (Davis), 1894-1985 1
Chourré, Ceci 1
Chourré, Clinton Emile, 1963- 1
Chourré, Emile, 1894-1938 1
Chourré, Jack Mausegne, 1930-2014 1
Chourré, Jeanne Louise, 1921-2013 1
Chourré, Karen Jean (Condon) 1
Clayton Scott Field (Renton, Wash.) 1
Consolidated Aircraft Corp 1
Consolidated Trading Company, Limited 1
Cook, C. C. 1
Cuba. Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias 1
Curtiss 1
Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948 1
Davies, Morgan 1
Davis, Carrie (Cornell), 1866-1958 1
Davis, David R., -1972 1
Davis, Jefferson Lee, 1862-1939 1
Dayton (CL-105) 1
Dilonardo, James H., 1922-2000 1
Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) "New Orleans" (#4) 1
Douglas, Donald, Jr. 1
Douglas, William 1
Drew, Donald R. 1
Eckmann, Rolfe William, 1920-2018 1
Egtvedt, Clairmont L., 1892-1975 1
Essex (Aircraft carrier) 1
Eurasia Aviation Corporation 1
Fairchild 1
Fiji Airways 1
Flying Tiger Line 1
+ ∧ less

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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