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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 43

Elsie Anderson Boeing Collection

Identifier: 1997-04-17-A

Elsie Anderson worked at Boeing Company as a Public Relations representative, circa 1940s-1950s. The collection includes negatives, films, photographic prints, and a small amount of textual materials related to Boeing aircraft and test flights occurring during the 1940s-1950s.

Dates: circa 1940s-1950s

Richard A. Arensberg Photograph Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2014-02-06
Content Description The Richard A. Arensberg Photograph Collection is a small collection consisting of two unrelated photographs. One photograph depicts a Gilmore gas station, circa 1930s-1940s. The photograph is black-and-white and measures 10x14 inches. It is not a vintage print but was printed circa 1990s-2000s. The image shows one man filling his car with gas while another man looks on. The license plate on the car is for Washington, indicating that the gas station was probably located somewhere in...
Dates: circa 1932, 1954

Katherine Duffy Ashe Kla Ha Ya Flight Collection

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2011-07-20
Contents of the Collection The Katherine Duffy Ashe Kla Ha Ya Flight Collection consists of five black-and-white 6x8" photographs and four newspaper clippings relating to the 1914 flight of Katherine Duffy Ashe and pilot T. T. Maroney in a Curtiss Model D 1912 Pusher at the Kla Ha Ya Days festival in Snohomish, Washington. Each of the photographs is affixed to a matboard with "O. E. Graves, Everett, Wash." (photographer Orrin E. Graves) pressed into the lower left corner of the border. On the...
Dates: 1914, 1977

The Julius A. Barr Clippings

Identifier: 2018-00-00-3

Julius A. Barr (1905-1939) was born in Normal, Illinois and spent time as a personal pilot to Chinese military figures in the mid-1930s as well as worked as a Boeing test pilot from 1938-1939. The collection contains four clippings related to Barr's time at Boeing and his death.

Dates: 1938-1939

The Becvar Family Aviation Collection

Identifier: 1992-07-24

George Becvar (1909-1990) was born in Denver, Colorado and with his brothers Lou (1908-1984) and Chuck (1904-1986) started Kent Flying Service which ran from approximately 1927-1930 in Kent, Washington. The collection consists of the pilot logbook for George Becvar and a scrapbook that primarily covers George Becvar's 1927-1931 flying career.

Dates: 1927-1990

Margaret E. (Wolfe) Berry Collection

Identifier: 2019-00-00-102
Contents of the Collection The Margaret E. (Wolfe) Berry Collection largely documents Margaret Berry's volunteer work with three aircraft restoration projects during the 1980s-1990s with visual and textual components. A small amount of material is personal in nature. The collection is arranged into two series: Aircraft Restoration materials and Personal materials.Series I: Aircraft Restoration materials makes up the bulk of the collection and has been further divided into three...
Dates: 1942, 1985-2006; Majority of material found within 1985-2006

John and Alan Blum Northwest Aviation Collection

Identifier: 2009-09-04

The John and Alan Blum Northwest Aviation Collection consists of visual and textual materials related to the lives and careers of John and Alan Blum. John founded the Northwest Air Service Company and Alan served as President after his brother died in a plane crash in 1931.

Dates: 1921-1945

William E. Boeing Sr. Papers

Identifier: 2005-10-06-B

William E. Boeing, Sr. (1881-1956) was an aviation pioneer and founded The Boeing Company in 1916. The collection holds textual materials, such as correspondence, philately, business-related materials, clippings, and ephemera, as well as photographs and illustrations related to his personal and business life, circa 1783-2008. Major areas of interest include family photographs and extensive personal and business-related correspondence.

Dates: circa 1783-2008; Majority of material found within 1900s-1930s

The Boeing Story Exhibit Collection

Identifier: 2022-00-00-17
Content Description The Boeing Story Exhibit Collection consists of archival items acquired by the Museum of Flight for use in the "The Boeing Story: 1916-1958" exhibit, on permanent display in the Museum's Red Barn. This collection only represents archival items purchased for use in the exhibit; the exhibit also includes artifacts and library materials as well as archival items from other accessions which are not included in this collection.The collection is organized by theme following the layout...
Dates: 1901-1937

Clarence A. Borley U.S. Naval Aviation Collection

Identifier: 2022-07-20

Clarence A. Borley (1924-2019) was a U.S. Navy fighter pilot and ace. The collection documents Borley's 36-year military career as a pilot and fighter ace in the U.S. Navy and consists of textual, visual and audiovisual materials and primarily dates from 1942 to 1968, with some later dates and a small amount of personal materials.

Dates: 1942-1999, 2015; Majority of material found within 1942-1968

Filtered By

  • Subject: Washington (State) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

photographic prints 32
clippings (information artifacts) 21
Northwest, Pacific 17
Seattle (Wash.) 15
correspondence 10
∨ more
printed ephemera 10
Boeing Company -- Employees 9
World War, 1939-1945 9
photograph albums 9
Air pilots 8
negatives (photographs) 8
photocopies 8
Airplanes, Military 7
Puget Sound (Wash.) 7
aerial photographs 7
booklets 7
scrapbooks 7
8mm (photographic film size) 6
Aircraft accidents 6
Boeing B-17 Model 299 Flying Fortress ("XB-17") 6
Seaplanes 6
Women in aeronautics 6
logs (records) 6
Boeing B-47 Stratojet Family (Model 450) 5
Oregon 5
Women air pilots 5
16mm (photographic film size) 4
Air pilots, Military 4
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Family 4
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Family (Model 464) 4
California 4
Rainier, Mount (Wash.) 4
brochures 4
certificates 4
maps (documents) 4
photographic postcards 4
postcards 4
programs (documents) 4
slides (photographs) 4
Air pilots -- Licenses -- United States 3
Airplanes -- Design and construction 3
Airports 3
Airships 3
Alaska 3
Biplanes 3
Boeing B & W (Boeing & Westervelt) (Model 1) 3
Boeing B-29 Superfortress 3
Boeing Model 247 3
Boeing Model 307 Stratoliner Family 3
Boeing Model 367-80 (707 Prototype) 3
Boeing Model 707 Family 3
Boeing Model 747 Family 3
Boeing P-12 Family 3
Douglas DC-3 Family 3
Flight attendants 3
Florida 3
Japan 3
Renton (Wash.) 3
Test pilots 3
Vancouver (Wash.) 3
Washington, Lake (Wash.) 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
airmail covers 3
audiocassettes 3
identity cards 3
newsletters 3
videocassettes 3
Aerocar (Inc) Model III 2
Aerocar (International) Aerocar 2
Air mail service 2
Air shows 2
Aircraft industry -- United States -- History 2
Airlines 2
Airplane occupants 2
Airplane racing 2
Airplanes -- Flight testing 2
Arizona 2
Aviation mechanics (Persons) 2
Boats and boating 2
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Family (Model 345) 2
Boeing B-50 Family (Model 345-2) 2
Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighter Family 2
Boeing Model 314 Clipper Family 2
Boeing Model 767 Family 2
Boeing Model 80A 2
Boeing XB-15 (Model 294, XBLR-1) 2
Boeing XF8B-1 (Model 400) 2
British Columbia 2
Cessna 140 2
Commuter aircraft 2
Consolidated B-24 Liberator Family 2
Curtiss C-46 Commando Family 2
Curtiss JN-4D Jenny 2
Curtiss SOC Seagull Family 2
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Family 2
Douglas X-3 Stiletto 2
Fighter pilots 2
Flying automobiles 2
Fort Lewis (Wash.) 2
+ ∧ less
Chinese 1
French 1
German 1
Russian 1
Boeing 12
United States. Navy 10
Boeing, William Edward, 1881-1956 5
Boeing Company 4
King County International Airport 4
∨ more
United Airlines 4
United States. Air Force 4
Boeing, Bertha Marie (Potter Paschall), 1891-1977 3
Merrill, A. Elliott (Albert), 1901-1992 3
Munter, Herbert, 1894-1970 3
Pearson Field (Vancouver, Wash.) 3
Scott, Clayton, 1905-2006 3
United States. Army 3
United States. Army. Air Service 3
Aerocar, Inc 2
Associated Women Pilots of Boeing Field 2
Boeing, Bill, Jr., 1922-2015 2
Danilin, Sergei 2
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 2
Gott, Edgar, 1887-1947 2
Gromov, M. (Mikhail), 1899-1985 2
Hubbard, Edward, 1889-1928 2
Maroney, Terah T., 1880-1929 2
Rankin, John Gilbert "Tex", 1894-1947 2
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 2
Stenzel, Dorothy (Hester), 1910-1991 2
Taylor, Molt, 1912-1995 2
United States. Army Air Forces 2
United States. Army. Air Corps 2
United States. Marine Corps 2
Wien, Noel, 1899-1977 2
Yumashev, Andrei 2
Aero Club of America 1
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America 1
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 1
Alaska Airlines 1
Alaska-Washington Airways 1
All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race, Inc. 1
Allen, Edmund Turney, 1896-1943 1
American Red Cross 1
Anderson, Elsie 1
Apollo Soyuz Test Project 1
Arensberg, Richard A. 1
Arizona (Battleship) 1
Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington, Va.) 1
Ascani, Fred J. (Fred John), 1917-2010 1
Ashe, Katherine Duffy, 1893-1996 1
Baidukov, G. (Georgii), 1907-1994 1
Barker, Leland 1
Barr, Julius A., 1905-1939 1
Becvar, Chuck, Jr., 1904-1986 1
Becvar, George, 1906-1990 1
Becvar, Lou, 1908-1984 1
Becvar, Robert 1
Bellevue Airfield (Wash.) 1
Belov, Peter S. 1
Belyakov, V. V. (Vladimir Viktorovich), 1955- 1
Blaine, Charles E., 1916-1943 1
Blum, Alan L., 1907-1994 1
Blum, Elizabeth 1
Blum, John R., 1905-1931 1
Bohrer, Walt 1
Borden, John 1
Bossuet, Charles A. 1
Bowman, Marti 1
Boyd, Minnie M., 1910-1998 1
Brand, Vance 1
Browne, Nathan C., 1895-1979 1
Bryn Mawr Air Service 1
Burlingame, Donald E., 1919-2007 1
Buroker, Herb, 1895-1973 1
Böing, Wilhelm, 1846–1890 1
Century 21 Exposition (1962 : Seattle, Wash.) 1
Chkalov, Valerii Pavlovich, 1904-1938 1
Church, Roy T., 1944-2021 1
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965 1
Clayton Scott Field (Renton, Wash.) 1
Confederate Air Force 1
Consolidated Aircraft Corp 1
Cook, C. C. 1
Cook, John, 1899- 1
Curtiss 1
Daniel, Floyd R., 1919-2008 1
Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948 1
Davies, Morgan 1
Dilonardo, James H., 1922-2000 1
Doerflinger, Andy 1
Doughty, Brian E. 1
Doughty, Larry E. 1
Douglas 1
Douglas Aircraft Company 1
Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) "Boston" (#3) 1
Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) "Chicago" (#2) 1
Douglas World Cruiser (DWC) "New Orleans" (#4) 1
Douglas, Donald Wills, Sr., 1892-1981 1
Drew, Donald R. 1
Dunnam family 1
Dunnam, Nancy (Nordhoff), 1923- 1
Eckmann, Rolfe William, 1920-2018 1
Edinburgh Castle (Edinburgh, Scotland) 1
+ ∧ less

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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