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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6

William E. Boeing Sr. Papers

Identifier: 2005-10-06-B

William E. Boeing, Sr. (1881-1956) was an aviation pioneer and founded The Boeing Company in 1916. The collection holds textual materials, such as correspondence, philately, business-related materials, clippings, and ephemera, as well as photographs and illustrations related to his personal and business life, circa 1783-2008. Major areas of interest include family photographs and extensive personal and business-related correspondence.

Dates: circa 1783-2008; Majority of material found within 1900s-1930s

Minnie M. Boyd Collection on The Ninety-Nines

Identifier: 2017-03-28

Minnie M. Boyd (1910-1998) was born in Four Lakes, Washington and was an avid aviator. This collection contains correspondence, organizational records, membership directories, photographs, clippings, printed materials, and ephemera related to the Ninety-Nines, Inc.,and gathered by Minnie M. Boyd during her time as a member.

Dates: circa 1920s-1998 (bulk dates 1950s-1990s); Majority of material found within 1950 - 1998

Alan Lonsdale Patterson Papers

Identifier: 2021-08-03-A
Overview Alan Lonsdale Patterson worked extensively in the field of aviation from the 1920s to the 1980s. Throughout his career he worked as a barnstormer, pilot and established multiple companies that facilitated the sale of aircraft and aeronautical equipment, predominately between companies based in the United States and China. The collection represents both his professional and personal life through correspondence, photographs, business records, clippings and audiovisual materials, as well as...
Dates: 1876-2021; Majority of material found within 1920-1981

Dorothy (Hester) Stenzel Collection

Identifier: 1992-09-26

Dorothy (Hester) Stenzel (1910-1991) was born in Ardenwald, Oregon and learned to fly in the late 1920s. Stenzel then gained fame for stunt flying and broke several records through the mid-1930s. The collection contains seven (7) scrapbooks and assorted textual materials and photographs that document Stenzel's career as one of the first female stunt pilots.

Dates: circa 1928-1991

Jeanette R. (Rogowski) Witzkowski World War II Collection

Identifier: 2013-11-27
Contents of the Collection The Jeanette R. (Rogowski) Witzkowski World War II Collection relates to the World War II-era experience of Jeanette Witzkowski, who served as a pilot and air traffic controller during World War II. It includes primarily textual materials and a small amount of photographic prints, with the bulk of the material falling within 1935-1947. Textual materials include Civial Aeronuatics Administration (CAA) air traffic control instructional documents and aircraft clearance forms and...
Dates: 1935-1948,1983; Majority of material found within 1935-1948

Ted Young Aviation lithograph collection

 Collection — Box: Small Collections oversize materials 2019-, oversize: folder
Identifier: 2019-00-00-1
Contents of the Collection The Ted Young Aviation lithograph collection is comprised of eighteen (18) 11x14" color lithographs of assorted aircraft and aviators, created in 1974-circa 1990s. Identified aircraft include the Wright Military Flyer, "The Spirit of St. Louis", and Lockheed Vega "Winnie May." Identified personalities include Amelia Earhart, Samuel Pierpont Langley, Wilbur and Orvile Wright, General Jimmy Doolittle, Robert H. Goddard, Neil Armstrong, and John Glenn. Many of the lithographs, specifically...
Dates: 1974-circa 1990s

Filtered By

  • Names: Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937 X

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clippings (information artifacts) 5
correspondence 5
photographic prints 5
printed ephemera 4
Northwest, Pacific 3
∨ more
Women air pilots 3
Women in aeronautics 3
programs (documents) 3
Aids to air navigation 2
Barnstorming 2
Mexico 2
Oregon 2
Washington (State) 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
airmail covers 2
manuscripts (documents) 2
minutes (administrative records) 2
newsletters 2
poetry 2
postcards 2
scrapbooks 2
16mm (photographic film size) 1
8mm (photographic film size) 1
Aeronautics -- Competitions 1
Air mail pioneers 1
Air mail service 1
Air pilots 1
Air traffic controllers 1
Aircraft accidents 1
Aircraft industry -- United States -- History 1
Airmarking 1
Airplane engines 1
Airplane racing 1
Airplanes 1
Airplanes, Military 1
Alaska 1
Alaska Natives 1
Bangkok (Thailand) 1
Beech 17R Staggerwing 1
Boats and boating 1
Boeing B & W (Boeing & Westervelt) (Model 1) 1
Boeing Model 204A 1
Boeing Model 5 - C-650-700 1
Boeing P-12 Family 1
Boeing Plant 1 "Red Barn" 1
British Columbia 1
Canada 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
China 1
Cleveland (Ohio) 1
Erco 415C Ercoupe 1
Fiji 1
Fokker F-10 Super TriMotor (TriMotor Deluxe, F-X, F-Ten) 1
Fokker Universal (Atlantic Model 4) 1
GAC Model 102 Aristocrat 1
Granville Gee Bee 1
Great Lakes (1929) Model 2T-1A 1
Guling (China) 1
Hangars 1
Hankou (Wuhan, China) 1
Heath Shipyard (Seattle, Wash.) 1
Hong Kong (China) 1
Hot air balloons 1
Hunting 1
Jiddah (Saudi Arabia) 1
Junkers Ju 52/3m (Three Engine) Family 1
Junkers Ju 52/3mb 1
Lockheed Model 1/2/5 Vega Family 1
Loening (Corp) Air Yacht (Cabin Amphibian, Duck, CW, C2, etc.) 1
Mexican Border War 1
Mohawk Model M-1-C New Pinto 1
Monterey (Calif.) 1
Nanjing (Jiangsu Sheng, China) 1
New Zealand 1
Omaha (Neb.) 1
Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer 1
Portland (Or.) 1
Propaganda 1
Puget Sound (Wash.) 1
Race horses 1
Riyāḍ al-Khabrāʼ (Saudi Arabia) 1
Seaplanes 1
Seattle (Wash.) 1
Shanghai (China) 1
Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945 1
Skywriting 1
Spartan (OK) C-4 Family 1
Stunt flying 1
Training 1
Vancouver (B.C.) 1
War photographers 1
Washington, Lake (Wash.) 1
Waterhouse (Aircraft) Cruzair Monoplane 1
Wind tunnels 1
Wright (Brothers) 1904 Flyer II 1
agendas (administrative records) 1
airline maps 1
airmail stamps 1
audiocassettes 1
biographies (literary works) 1
+ ∧ less
Chinese 2
German 2
Arabic 1
French 1
Polish 1
∨ more  
Ryan NYP "Spirit of St Louis" 2
United States. Civil Aeronautics Administration 2
United States. Navy 2
Wright, Orville, 1871-1948 2
Wright, Wilbur, 1867-1912 2
∨ more
Aero Club of America 1
Aero Industries Corporation 1
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America 1
Airservices Company Ltd. 1
All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race, Inc. 1
Allied Engineering Corporation 1
Allied International Company 1
Armstrong, Neil, 1930-2012 1
Atcherley, Richard Llewellyn Roger 1
Attilio Orazio de Bernardi, Mario Bernardo, 1893-1959 1
Bayles, Lowell Richard 1
Boeing 1
Boeing, Bertha Marie (Potter Paschall), 1891-1977 1
Boeing, Bill, Jr., 1922-2015 1
Boeing, William Edward, 1881-1956 1
Borden, John 1
Boyd, Minnie M., 1910-1998 1
Bristol Aeronautics Corporation 1
Browne, Nathan C., 1895-1979 1
Böing, Wilhelm, 1846–1890 1
Cady, Dorothy 1
Cady, Vernon 1
Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958 1
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975 1
Chicago Girls Flying Club 1
China Airmotive Company Fed. Inc. 1
China National Aviation Corporation 1
Cochran, Jacqueline, 1906-1980 1
Consolidated Aircraft Corp 1
Consolidated Trading Company, Limited 1
Cook, C. C. 1
Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948 1
Davies, Morgan 1
Doolittle, James Harold, 1896-1993 1
Douglas Aircraft Company 1
Douglas, Donald Wills, Sr., 1892-1981 1
Drew, Donald R. 1
Drummond-Hay, Grace Marguerite 1
Egtvedt, Clairmont L., 1892-1975 1
Elder, Ruth, 1902-1977 1
Eurasia Aviation Corporation 1
Fiji Airways 1
Foltz, Edith, 1902-1956 1
Gebenini, William A. 1
General Airplanes Corporation 1
Gott, Edgar, 1887-1947 1
Graf Zeppelin (Airship) 1
Great Britain. Royal Flying Corps 1
Handville, R.T. 1
Hester, Helen 1
Hing, Leah, 1907-2001 1
Hiscock, Thorp, 1892-1934 1
Hofer, Robert D. 1
Hoover, Herbert Charles, 1903-1969 1
Hubbard, Edward, 1889-1928 1
Hughes, Howard, 1905-1976 1
Hunsaker, Jerome C. (Jerome Clarke), 1886-1984 1
Jeppesen, Elrey B. (Elrey Borge), 1907-1996 1
Johnson, C. W. J. 1
Jones, Glenn H. 1
Knowles, Marilyn 1
Kronquist, Lawrence (photographer) 1
Kubita, Alois 1
Langley, S. P. (Samuel Pierpont), 1834-1906 1
Lee, Hazel Ah Ying, 1912-1944 1
Marsalis, Frances Harrell, d. 1934 1
Martin, Glenn L. (Glenn Luther), 1886-1955 1
Martin, William Knox, -1927 1
Midway Airport 1
Munter, Herbert, 1894-1970 1
National Aeronautic Association (U.S.) 1
National Championship Air Races 1
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1889-1964 1
New Zealand Flying School 1
Nichols, Ruth, 1901-1960 1
Ninety-Nines (Organization) 1
North American 1
Orlinski, Boleslaw 1
Pan American World Airways, Inc 1
Pangborn, Clyde Edward, approximately 1893-1958 1
Patterson, Alan Lonsdale, 1900-1991 1
Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958 1
Pond, Charles 1
Poole, Caroline Boeing, 1884-1932 1
Post, Wiley, 1898-1935 1
Powder Puff Derby 1
Priester, George J., -2006 1
Rankin School of Flying 1
Rankin, John Gilbert "Tex", 1894-1947 1
Red Aerea Mexicana, S.A. 1
Republic of China Air Force 1
Riddle, Mary, 1902-1981 1
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 1
Ryan Aeronautical Company 1
+ ∧ less

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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