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Archives at The Museum of Flight

Photographs, circa 1965

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 7

Content Description

From the Collection:

The Norman G. Stromer Collection documents Stromer’s military service as a pilot and engineer during and after World War II, as well as his post-military career with the Federal Aviation Association, through photographs, military records, and other textual materials, primarily dating between 1940-1960.

Series I. Military records consist of photographs, documents, certificates, and identification cards related to Stromer’s time in the United States Army Air Corps and Air Force. The majority of items range from his service beginning in 1942 through his retirement from the military in 1960. Textual materials make up the bulk of this series and include items such as military orders, Staff Sergeant and Flight Captain appointments, photocopies of Stromer’s official military photo (1960), personnel and retirement forms, three identification cards, and flight training and discharge certificates. Documents containing personal information, including social security numbers, have been redacted.

One notable document is a letter (August 1944) to Stromer’s mother acknowledging his meritorious achievement while participating in aerial bombing missions in the Southwest Pacific between March 13, 1944 and May 13, 1944. A letter of appreciation (October 1960) from the United States Air Force sent to Stromer at the time of his retirement is also present. The series also includes two general letters that accompanied two military yearbooks, The Black Pirates South West Pacific 1942-44 and The Jolly Rogers Southwest Pacific 1942-44, which are housed in the library.

There are three large documents including an Air Corps Training Center diploma, a United States Air Force certificate of retirement, and a Quiet Birdmen member certificate. Photographs range in size from 2.5x4'' to 8x10''. One military portrait of Stromer was originally stored in a frame with a photograph featuring Stomer’s wife. The original photo of Stromer is located in this series and the original of his wife is located in Series III. Both originals are accompanied by a photocopy of the two photos in the original frame.

Series II. Federal Aviation Administration Records consist of photographs, documents, certificates, and other textual materials, including a pilot log book related to Stromer’s time as a flight inspector, pilot, and engineer between 1961 and 1980. Textual materials make up the bulk of this series and include items related to Stromer’s training at the National Aircraft Accident Investigation School (1965) and the American Airlines B-747 Pilot and Flight Engineer Ratings training program (1971). The photographs and certificates in this series are related to these trainings. Of the three photographs, two measure 8x10'' and the third measures 5x7''. The two large photos both have “Federal Aviation Agency” stamped on the back. One is also dated February 19, 1965 and includes an attached typed list of names of those in the photograph. Other textual materials include FAA Airline Transport Pilot certification for multiengine landings (1971) and Flight Engineer certification for turbo-powered and reciprocating engine powered aircraft (1971).

Series III. Personal Records consist of photographs, identification cards, documents, and other textual materials, including pamphlets and passports related to Stromer’s personal life and philanthropy between 1922 and 2016. The series is predominantly made up of textual materials, including documents listing Norman and Camille Stromer Scholarship recipients, identification cards that belonged to Stromer’s wife, a notarized copy of Stromer’s birth certificate, and a notarized copy of the couple’s marriage certificate. Other textual materials include two passports, one issued in 1960 and the other in 1970. The passports may have been used for personal, military, and FAA-related travel.

The series includes one photo of Stromer as a child, measuring 3.5x5'', and another, of his wife, Camille, measuring 4x6". The photograph of Camille was originally stored in a frame with a separate military photograph of Stromer. The original photo of Camille is located in this series and the original of Stromer is located in Series II. Both originals are accompanied by a photocopy of the two photos in the original frame.


  • Creation: circa 1965


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

All materials are in English.

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research and is accessible in the Dahlberg Research Center by appointment. For more information contact us.


From the Collection: .3 Cubic Feet (1 2-inch legal size document box; 1 oversize folder (16x20"))

Repository Details

Part of the The Museum of Flight Archives Repository

9404 East Marginal Way South
Seattle Washington 98108-4097

The Museum of Flight | 9404 E. Marginal Way South | Seattle WA 98108-4097 | 206-764-5874
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